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Configure and manage MySQL


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Version information

  • 0.1.3 (latest)
  • 0.1.2
released Feb 16th 2016
This version is compatible with:
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mod 'ULHPC-mysql', '0.1.3'
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Tags: mysql, sql, database


ULHPC/mysql — version 0.1.3 Feb 16th 2016

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Mysql Puppet Module

Puppet Forge License Supported Platforms Documentation Status By ULHPC

Configure and manage MySQL

  Copyright (c) 2016 S. Varrette, H. Cartiaux, V. Plugaru, S. Diehl aka. UL HPC Management Team <>

| Project Page | Sources | Documentation | Issues |


Configure and manage MySQL.

This module implements the following elements:

  • Puppet classes:

    • mysql
    • mysql::client
    • mysql::client::common
    • mysql::client::debian
    • mysql::client::redhat
    • mysql::params
    • mysql::server
    • mysql::server::common
    • mysql::server::debian
    • mysql::server::redhat
  • Puppet definitions:

    • mysql::command
    • mysql::db
    • mysql::user

All these components are configured through a set of variables you will find in manifests/params.pp.

Note: the various operations that can be conducted from this repository are piloted from a Rakefile and assumes you have a running Ruby installation. See docs/ for more details on the steps you shall follow to have this Rakefile working properly.


See metadata.json. In particular, this module depends on

The pwgen utility needs to be installed on the Puppetmaster, if the mysql::server class should auto-generate the root password.

Overview and Usage

Class mysql

This is the main class defined in this module.

Use it as follows:

 include 'mysql'

See also tests/init.pp

Class mysql::client

This class installs the MySQL client.

It accepts the following parameters:

  • $ensure: Default to 'present', can be 'absent'.

This class will automatically include the appropriate specialisation class mysql::client::debian or mysql::client::redhat based on the OS.

Sample usage:

 import mysql::client

You can then specialize the various aspects of the configuration, for instance:

     class { 'mysql::client':
         ensure => 'present'

See tests/client.pp

Class mysql::server

This class installs and configures a MySQL server.

This class accepts the following parameters:

  • $ensure: Default: 'present'. Ensure the presence (or absence) of mysql::server.

  • $root_password: Default: ''. MySQL root password (left empty for having a random generated one that will be stored in the file /root/.my.cnf).

  • $root_accessfile: Default: '/root/.my.cnf'. Configuration file path for 'root' user (containing access details).

  • $datadir: Default: '/var/lib/mysql'. MySQL data directory.

  • $bind_address: Default: ''. The network service will listen on the specified address.

  • $character_set: Default: ''. Sets MySQL's character set.

This class will automatically include the appropriate specialisation class mysql::server::debian or mysql::server::redhat based on the OS.

Sample usage:

 import mysql::server

You can then specialize the various aspects of the configuration, for instance:

     class { 'mysql::server':
         ensure => 'present'

See tests/server.pp

Definition mysql::command

The definition mysql::command executes a MySQL command (as root user).

This definition accepts the following parameters:

  • $ensure: Default to 'present', can be 'absent'.

  • $command: If set, detail the MySQL command to execute.

  • $onlyif: If this parameter is set, then the MySQL command will only run if the command specified in the onlyif directive returns 0.

  • $unless: If this parameter is set, then the MySQL command will run unless the command specified in the unless directive returns 0.

  • $mysql_unless: Specify SQL clause as 'unless' parameter.

  • $mysql_onlyif: Specify SQL clause as 'onlyif' parameter.


  mysql::command { "create MySQL database ${dbname}":
      command => "CREATE DATABASE IF NOT EXISTS ${dbname}"

See also tests/command.pp

Definition mysql::db

The definition mysql::db sets up a MySQL database (and eventually the dedidated user associated to it).

This definition accepts the following parameters:

  • $ensure: Default to 'present', can be 'absent' (BEWARE: it will remove the associated database and ALL its content).

  • $creates_user: Whether or not to create an associated user (that will have the full rights on the database). Note that this user will receive the name of the database, unless the $username directive is set.

  • $username: Name of the user to be created, default to $name (in practice, the real MySQL user created will be ${username}@${host}).

  • $host: The host from which this user is assumed to connect from. Default to localhost.

  • $password: Password of the user to be created. If left to an empty string, a random password will be generated (and stored in accessfile). Details of the user (included the password) will be stored in the file /root/.my.cnf.

  • $ro_password: Password for read-only user.

  • $accessfile: The file used to save the access configuration for the created user. Default to /root/.my\<dbname>.cnf such that later on, you can connect to the mysql client by issuing `mysql --defaults-file=/root/.my.cnf`.

  • $owner: Owner of the accessfile.

  • $group: Group owner of the accessfile.


  mysql::db { 'mediawiki':
      ensure       => 'present',
      creates_user => true,

See also tests/db.pp

Definition mysql::user

The definition mysql::user sets up a MySQL user (and stores the associated password in a file).

This definition accepts the following parameters:

  • $ensure: Default to 'present', can be 'absent'.

  • $host: The host from which this user is assumed to connect from. Default to localhost.

  • $password: Password of the user to be created. If left to an empty string, a random password will be generated (and stored in accessfile). Details of the user (included the password) will be stored in the file \<accessfile> (see below).

  • $accessfile: The file used to save the access configuration for the created user. Default to /root/.my\<dbname>.cnf such that later on, you can connect to the mysql client by issuing `mysql --defaults-file=/root/.my.cnf`.

  • $owner: Owner of the access file.

  • $group: Group owner of the access file.


mysql::user { 'mediawiki@localhost':
    ensure => 'present',

See also tests/user.pp

Librarian-Puppet / R10K Setup

You can of course configure the mysql module in your Puppetfile to make it available with Librarian puppet or r10k by adding the following entry:

 # Modules from the Puppet Forge
 mod "ULHPC/mysql"

or, if you prefer to work on the git version:

 mod "ULHPC/mysql", 
     :git => '',
     :ref => 'production' 

Issues / Feature request

You can submit bug / issues / feature request using the ULHPC/mysql Puppet Module Tracker.

Developments / Contributing to the code

If you want to contribute to the code, you shall be aware of the way this module is organized. These elements are detailed on docs/

You are more than welcome to contribute to its development by sending a pull request.

Puppet modules tests within a Vagrant box

The best way to test this module in a non-intrusive way is to rely on Vagrant. The Vagrantfile at the root of the repository pilot the provisioning various vagrant boxes available on Vagrant cloud you can use to test this module.

See docs/ for more details.

Online Documentation

Read the Docs aka RTFD hosts documentation for the open source community and the ULHPC/mysql puppet module has its documentation (see the docs/ directly) hosted on readthedocs.

See docs/ for more details.


This project and the sources proposed within this repository are released under the terms of the GPL-3.0 licence.
