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Deploy and Manage WebSphere Liberty


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Version information

  • 0.0.1 (latest)
released Jul 5th 2016
This version is compatible with:
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Start using this module

  • r10k or Code Manager
  • Bolt
  • Manual installation
  • Direct download

Add this module to your Puppetfile:

mod 'ipcrm-wlp', '0.0.1'
Learn more about managing modules with a Puppetfile

Add this module to your Bolt project:

bolt module add ipcrm-wlp
Learn more about using this module with an existing project

Manually install this module globally with Puppet module tool:

puppet module install ipcrm-wlp --version 0.0.1

Direct download is not typically how you would use a Puppet module to manage your infrastructure, but you may want to download the module in order to inspect the code.



ipcrm/wlp — version 0.0.1 Jul 5th 2016

Table of Contents

  1. Overview
  2. Module Description - What the module does and why it is useful
  3. Setup - The basics of getting started with wlp
  4. Usage - Configuration options and additional functionality
  5. Limitations - OS compatibility, etc.
  6. Development - Guide for contributing to the module


Module for managing Websphere Liberty

Module Description

This module allows you to install Websphere Liberty, install features or additional archives, configure/manage severs, as well as install applications.


This module was intended for use with WLP instances that are being installed from standalone archives (zip/jar) - it does NOT make use of IBM installation manager.

What wlp affects

Given no options except install source, wlp will:

  • Create a wlp user
  • Install java (using puppetlabs-java module)
  • Create /opt/ibm
  • Extract the supplied archive into /opt/ibm/wlp (default install location in params.pp)

No servers are created by default. Any addtional configuration needs to be declared.

Beginning with wlp

To start, we need to declare the base class and provide an installation source

class {'::wlp':
  install_src => '',

Next, we can optionally install features. (Feature List)

wlp::feature { 'openidConnectClient-1.0':
  ensure => present,

Once we've installed all the bits we want, we can move onto defining servers. We need to provide the contents for the server.xml file (if left blank, you'll just get a default server.xml file). You can setup a new server and give a config like this(just an example, you could use a template here instead of a HEREDOC, that was shown for simplicity).

$config = @("SERVERCONFIG")
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<server description="new server">


    <basicRegistry id="basic" realm="BasicRealm">
        <!-- <user name="yourUserName" password="" />  -->

    <application context-root="hello_world" type="war" id="hello_world"
       location="hello_world.war" name="hello_world"/>

    <httpEndpoint id="defaultHttpEndpoint"
                  httpsPort="9443" />

    <applicationManager autoExpand="true"/>

 ensure        => present,
 enable        => true,
 server_config => $config

Finally, we can deploy apps from within the DSL if we so choose using the following syntax:

  type        => 'static',
  server      => 'testserver',
  install_src => '/var/tmp/hello_world.war',
  ensure      => 'present',

Here's the combined configuration

$config = @("SERVERCONFIG")
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<server description="new server">


    <basicRegistry id="basic" realm="BasicRealm">
        <!-- <user name="yourUserName" password="" />  -->

    <application context-root="hello_world" type="war" id="hello_world"
       location="hello_world.war" name="hello_world"/>

    <httpEndpoint id="defaultHttpEndpoint"
                  httpsPort="9443" />

    <applicationManager autoExpand="true"/>

class {'::wlp':
  install_src => '',

wlp::feature { 'openidConnectClient-1.0':
  ensure => present,

 ensure        => present,
 enable        => true,
 server_config => $config

  type        => 'static',
  server      => 'testserver',
  install_src => '/var/tmp/hello_world.war',
  ensure      => 'present',


An overview of the classes and defines that make up the wlp module



This class is soley responsible for the base envionrment setup and installation of the actually software, it does not configure anything


  • install_src: Required. Provide the path to the installation media. Can be a zip or jar archive.
  • manage_user: Default True. This parameter will cause the wlp user to be created.
  • manage_java: Default True. This parameter will cause java to be installed via the puppetlabs-java module.
  • base_path: Default /opt/ibm. This parameter controls where the software will be installed to.
  • wlp_user: Default wlp. This parameter controls which user owns and runs the Liberty software.



This define allows you to create and manage server instances within your WLP installation.


  • ensure: Default present. Whether the server should be created or removed.
  • enable: Default true. Defines if the server should be running or not.
  • user: The user to run the server as. Defaults to the wlp_user setting from the base wlp class.
  • base_path: The path WLP is installed. Defaults to the base_path setting in wlp class.
  • server_config: The configuration for your server. This can be supplied via normal Puppet mechanisms (like templates). If you DO NOT supply this you will get a default server.xml.
  • server_env: This value configures the server.env file. This can be supplied via normal Puppet mechanisms (like templates). If you DO NOT supply this you will get a default server.env file.


 ensure    => present,
 enable    => true,
 server_config => $config


This define allows you to install features into your base WLP installation.


  • ensure: Default present. Whether or not to add or remove the feature.
  • user: The user to use when applying the new archive(process owner). By default it will inherit this to however the base wlp class is configured.
  • base_path: The path to install to. By default this is inherited from the base wlp class.


wlp::feature { 'openidConnectClient-1.0':
  ensure => present,


This define allows you to apply additional jar files to your WLP installation.


  • creates: Required. The path to check for to validate if this archive has been previously installed. For example /opt/ibm/wlp/extras
  • install_src: Defaults to $title. The path to the installation media.
  • user: The user to use when applying the new archive(process owner). By default it will inherit this to however the base wlp class is configured.
  • base_path: The path to install to. By default this is inherited from the base wlp class, however depending on the archive it may need to be updated.
  • java_cmd: Default java. The java command to use when installing this archive.


  creates => 'lib/features/',
  notify => Wlp_server_control['testserver'],


This define allows you to deploy an application, both dropin and static, to a WLP instance.


  • server: Required. The server to install the application into.
  • install_src: Required. Where to get the application archive (file/http/https)
  • type: Required. The type of application this is, dropin or static. Remember that when your deploying a static app you need to update your server config.
  • ensure: Default present. The state of the application (present/absent)
  • user: The user to use when deploying the application. By default it will inherit this from the base wlp class.
  • base_path: The path to install to. By default this is inherited from the base wlp class.


  type        => 'static',
  server      => 'testserver',
  install_src => '/var/tmp/hello_world.war',
  ensure      => 'present',


Although WLP can run accross many platforms, this module currently only supports Linux variants.(Tested. Really anything that is Unix based should work but not tested).


Fork, Add tests, Update, Update CHANGELOG, Update CONTRIBUTORS, PR, repeat.