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This module enables you to install and configure Kuali Coeus


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Version information

  • 1.3.7 (latest)
  • 0.1.4
  • 0.1.3
  • 0.1.2
  • 0.1.1
  • 0.1.0
released Mar 17th 2015
This version is compatible with:
  • Puppet Enterprise 3.x
  • Puppet 3.x
  • , ,

Start using this module

  • r10k or Code Manager
  • Bolt
  • Manual installation
  • Direct download

Add this module to your Puppetfile:

mod 'jefferyb-kualicoeus', '1.3.7'
Learn more about managing modules with a Puppetfile

Add this module to your Bolt project:

bolt module add jefferyb-kualicoeus
Learn more about using this module with an existing project

Manually install this module globally with Puppet module tool:

puppet module install jefferyb-kualicoeus --version 1.3.7

Direct download is not typically how you would use a Puppet module to manage your infrastructure, but you may want to download the module in order to inspect the code.



jefferyb/kualicoeus — version 1.3.7 Mar 17th 2015


Table of Contents

  1. Overview
  2. Module Description
  3. Setup - The basics of getting started with kualicoeus
  4. Usage
  5. Reference
  6. Limitations
  7. Development

##Working on | NOT DONE YET STILL WORKING ON THE DOCUMENTATION FOR THIS MODULE. You can still check the init.pp in the manifests folder for the parameters that you can use.

P.S: Please, if you find any bugs or somethings that needs to be fixed, please submit a new issue at

What's NEW!!!

v. 1.3.7:

  • Added Shibboleth
  • Added P6Spy to log all SQL statement and parameter values before send it to database
  • Support to install KC 5.1 - 6.0
  • Support to do upgrades

v. 0.1.4:

  • This was just a bug fix, where whenever you set setup_tomcat => false, it would complain.

v. 0.1.3:

  • E-mail notifications - KC & KEW
  • Oracle Database option using Oracle XE 11g using Docker (for testing)
  • Already have the database setup? Install without setting up the database
  • Check for more...


The kualicoeus module enables you to install Kuali Coeus Bundle with MySQL Server.

Module Description

The kualicoeus module gives you a way to install Kuali Coeus Bundle with MySQL Server, with very minimum settings in the kc-config.xml file.

For now, I just converted the "install_kuali_coeus_bundle" script,, to a puppet version and will be adding features on it.


What kualicoeus affects

This module will affect:

  • Firewall: It will be turned off. You can choose to leave it. See deactivate_firewall
  • MySQL: It will add/remove some setting to your my.cnf. You can choose to leave it alone. See setup_database
  • Tomcat: By default, it will install a version 6 of tomcat from source to /opt/apache-tomcat/tomcat6. You can choose not to. See setup_tomcat

Setup Requirements

pluginsync needs to be enabled on Ubuntu 12.04 LTS

Beginning with kualicoeus

The simplest way to get Kuali Coeus up and running with the kualicoeus module is to add:

  class { "kualicoeus": }

in your manifests/site.pp file


Here's a simple configuration that I use on some of our system:

case $hostname {
  'kcdev' : {
    $setup_my_shibboleth = false
    $my_database = 'KAULI'
    $my_database_pw = '123qwert987'
    $my_database_version = '6.0'
    $my_kc_version = '6.0'
    $my_kc_war_name = 'kc-dev.war'
    $my_kc_install_demo = true
  'kctst' : {
    $setup_my_shibboleth = true
    $my_database = 'COEUS'
    $my_database_pw = '54321zxcvbnm67890'
    $my_database_version = '5.2'
    $my_kc_version = '5.2'
    $my_kc_war_name = 'kc-ptd.war'
    $my_kc_war_source = 'puppet:///modules/kualicoeus/kc-ptd-dev-5.2.war'
    $my_kc_install_demo = false
    $my_shib_idpURL = ''
  default : {
    $setup_my_shibboleth = true
    $my_database = 'COEUS'
    $my_database_pw = '54321zxcvbnm67890'
    $my_database_version = '5.2'
    $my_kc_version = '5.2'
    $my_kc_war_name = 'kc-ptd.war'
    $my_kc_war_source = 'puppet:///modules/kualicoeus/kc-ptd-dev-5.2.war'
    $my_kc_install_demo = false
    $my_shib_idpURL = ''

class { 'kualicoeus::config::sqlplus':
  oracle_service_name => $my_database, # SET oracle_kc_install_dbsvrnm ALSO
  oracle_hostname     => '',
  oracle_port         => '1521',
  tnsnames_location   => '/opt/oracle',
} ->
### SETUP KUALI COEUS #################
class { 'kualicoeus':
  deactivate_firewall           => false,
  setup_database                => false,
  kc_version                    => $my_kc_version,
  oracle_kc_install_dbsvrnm     => $my_database,
  #### RUN THE UPGRADE FROM 5.2 to 6.0
  #    kc_version          => '5.2',
  #    setup_kuali_upgrade => true,
  #    kc_upgrade_version  => '6.0',
  #    kc_upgrade_file     => '',
  #    kc_upgrade_dl_link  => '',

  kc_install_demo               => $my_kc_install_demo,
  kc_war_name                   => $my_kc_war_name,
  kc_war_source                 => $my_kc_war_source,
  db_driver_name                => 'ojdbc6.jar',
  db_driver_url                 => 'puppet:///modules/kualicoeus/ojdbc6.jar',
  database_type                 => 'ORACLE',
  application_http_scheme       => 'https',
  http_port                     => '',
  kc_environment                => 'srv',
  build_version                 => $my_kc_version,
  datasource_url                => "jdbc:oracle:thin:@(DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=TCP)(${my_database})))",
  datasource_username           => 'dbuser',
  datasource_password           => $my_database_pw,
  mail_from                     => "no-reply@${::fqdn}",
  mailmessage_from              => "no-reply@${::fqdn}",
  kr_incident_mailing_list      => '',
  encryption_key                => '3IC32w6kZMXN',
  ### Shibboleth Settings:
  setup_shibboleth              => $setup_my_shibboleth,
  shib_session_location         => 'kc-dev',
  shib_sslSessionCacheTimeout   => '1200',
  shib_provider_reload_interval => '600',
  shib_create_ssl_cert          => false,
  shib_sslCertificateChainFile  => true,
  shib_provider_uri             => '',
  shib_backingFileName          => 'idp.xml',
  shib_idpURL                   => $my_shib_idpURL,
  ### P6spy Settings:
  setup_p6spy                   => false,
  # datasource_url              => "jdbc:p6spy:oracle:thin:@(DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=TCP)($my_database)))",
} ->

#  class { 'kc_customizations': }


class { 'kualicoeus::config::kew_notifications':
  kew_database_type                   => 'ORACLE',
  kew_email_notifications             => 'Y',
  kew_from_address                    => "kew-no-reply@${::fqdn}",
  kew_email_notification_test_address => '',

class { 'kualicoeus::config::kc_notifications':
  kc_database_type                   => 'ORACLE',
  kc_email_notifications             => 'Y',
  kc_email_notification_from_address => "kc-no-reply@${::fqdn}",
  kc_email_notification_test_enabled => 'Y',
  kc_email_notification_test_address => '',


Already have your database setup? Install everything but the database.

class { 'kualicoeus': 
  setup_database => false,

To change where to access the application & port (e.g if you're running/testing in vagrant). See the kc-config.xml section settings.

class { 'kualicoeus': 
  kc_application_host => 'localhost',
  kc_http_port        => '8083',

By default, kualicoeus module turns off the firewall for easy testing. To leave it as is use deactivate_firewall

class { 'kualicoeus': 
  deactivate_firewall => false,

To turn on/off KEW e-mail notifications

class { 'kualicoeus::config::kew_notifications':
    kew_database_type                   => 'ORACLE',
    kew_email_notifications             => 'Y',
    kew_from_address                    => '',
    kew_email_notification_test_address => '',

To turn on/off KC e-mail notifications

class { 'kualicoeus::config::kc_notifications':
    kc_database_type                   => 'ORACLE',
    kc_email_notifications             => 'Y',
    kc_email_notification_from_address => '',
    kc_email_notification_test_enabled => 'Y',
    kc_email_notification_test_address => '',

To install

class { 'kualicoeus': 
    kc_install_demo      => true,

To use your own WAR file (The kc_war_source can be a local file, puppet:/// file, http, or ftp.):

class { 'kualicoeus': 
  kc_war_source => 'puppet:///modules/kualicoeus/kc-dev.war',

To remove WAR file and directory:

class { 'kualicoeus': 
  kc_war_ensure => 'absent', 

To try it on an Oracle XE 11g Database (Using docker: alexeiled/docker-oracle-xe-11g )

class { 'kualicoeus': 
    database_type    => 'ORACLE',

See below for more settings you can use...



Options you can use to configure:



  • By default, the module turns off the firewall for easy testing.
  • Options: 'true', 'false'


  • Choose if you want to install tomcat or not. Like in case you have your own installed and configured
  • Options: 'true', 'false'


  • Choose if you want this module to setup a database or not. You can use false in case you have your own setup and configured
  • Options: 'true', 'false'


  • Choose what Database Type you want to use
  • Options: 'MYSQL', 'ORACLE'

MySQL settings related:


  • Set MySQL root password


  • Set your database hostname


  • Database file name, like mysql-connector-java-5.1.9.jar

#####db_driver_url settings related:


  • Options: 'BUNDLE', 'EMBED' | Default: 'BUNDLE'


  • Options: NEW 3.1.1 5.0 5.0.1 5.1 5.1.1 5.2 Default: NEW


  • Change KC Database Username


  • Change KC Database Password

#####mysql_kc_install_dbsvrnm | oracle_kc_install_dbsvrnm

  • Change KC Schema Name


  • Run script to install demonstration data (Optional) | Options: 'true', 'false' | Default: false


  • tnsnames.ora file location

kc-config.xml settings related:


  • kc-config.xml's location | Default: /opt/kuali/main/dev


  • Change application.http.scheme | Default: http


  • Change | Default: $::fqdn


  • Change http.port | Default: 8080


  • Change environment | Default: dev


  • Change build.version | Default: 5.2.1


  • Change production.environment.code | Default: xyz


  • Mainly used in the tnsnames.ora file for now...

#####mysql_datasource_url | oracle_datasource_url

  • Change datasource.url

#####mysql_datasource_username | oracle_datasource_username

  • Change datasource.username

#####mysql_datasource_password | oracle_datasource_password

  • Change datasource.password

#####mysql_datasource_ojb_platform | oracle_datasource_ojb_platform

  • Change datasource.ojb.platform


  • Change


  • Change


  • Change mail.smtp.port


  • Change mail.smtp.username


  • Change mail.user.password


  • Change mail.smtp.auth


  • Change mail.from


  • Change mail.relay.server


  • Change KualiExceptionHandlerAction.EXCEPTION_INCIDENT_REPORT_SERVICE


  • Change MailMessage.from


  • Change KualiExceptionIncidentServiceImpl.additionalExceptionNameList


  • Change KualiExceptionIncidentServiceImpl.REPORT_MAIL_LIST


  • Change kr.incident.mailing.list


  • Change mailing.list.batch


  • Change encryption.key


  • Change filter.login.class


  • Change filtermapping.login.1


  • Change


  • Change


  • Change


  • Change


  • Change s2s.keystore.password


  • Change s2s.keystore.location


  • Change s2s.truststore.location


  • Change s2s.truststore.password

Kuali Coeus settings related:


  • kc release file name. e.g.



  • Location where you want your kc source extracted. | Default: /opt/kuali/source


  • WAR file's name to be deployed as.


  • The kc_war_source can be a local file, puppet:/// file, http, or ftp


  • Default: 'present' - Set this to 'absent' or 'false' if you want to delete the war file & folder or not deploy the war file...

tomcat settings related:


  • Change catalina_base location.


  • tomcat source file name to download. e.g. apache-tomcat-6.0.41.tar.gz



So far, I've tested it on Ubuntu 12.04, 14.04 and a CentOS release 6.5 & 7


The modules are open projects, and community contributions are essential for keeping them great. So please, if you would like to contribute and make it a whole lot better, please don't hesitate :)