Version information
This version is compatible with:
- Puppet Enterprise 2023.2.x, 2023.1.x, 2023.0.x, 2021.7.x, 2021.6.x, 2021.5.x, 2021.4.x, 2021.3.x, 2021.2.x, 2021.1.x, 2021.0.x, 2019.8.x, 2019.7.x, 2019.5.x, 2019.4.x, 2019.3.x, 2019.2.x, 2019.1.x
- Puppet >= 6.1.0 < 8.0.0
- , , , ,
Start using this module
Add this module to your Puppetfile:
mod 'puppet-mongodb', '4.1.0'
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mongodb puppet module
Table of Contents
- Overview
- Module Description - What does the module do?
- Setup - The basics of getting started with mongodb
- Usage - Configuration options and additional functionality
- Reference - An under-the-hood peek at what the module is doing and how
- Limitations - OS compatibility, etc.
- Development - Guide for contributing to the module
Installs MongoDB on RHEL/Ubuntu/Debian from OS repo, or alternatively from MongoDB community/enterprise repositories.
Module Description
The MongoDB module manages mongod server installation and configuration of the mongod daemon. For the time being it supports only a single MongoDB server instance, without sharding functionality.
The MongoDB module also manages Ops Manager setup and the mongdb-mms daemon.
What MongoDB affects
- MongoDB package.
- MongoDB configuration files.
- MongoDB service.
- MongoDB client.
- MongoDB sharding support (mongos)
- MongoDB apt/yum repository.
- Ops Manager package.
- Ops Manager configuration files.
Beginning with MongoDB
If you just want a server installation with the default options you can run
include mongodb::server
. If you need to customize configuration
options you need to do the following:
class {'mongodb::server':
port => 27018,
verbose => true,
For Red Hat family systems, the client can be installed in a similar fashion:
class {'mongodb::client':}
Note that for Debian/Ubuntu family systems the client is installed with the server. Using the client class will by default install the server.
If one plans to configure sharding for a Mongo deployment, the module offer
the mongos
installation. mongos
can be installed the following way :
class {'mongodb::mongos' :
configdb => [''],
Although most distros come with a prepacked MongoDB server, you may prefer to use a more recent version. To install MongoDB from the community repository:
class {'mongodb::globals':
manage_package_repo => true,
version => '3.6',
-> class {'mongodb::client': }
-> class {'mongodb::server': }
If you don't want to use the MongoDB software repository or the OS packages, you can point the module to a custom one. To install MongoDB from a custom repository:
class {'mongodb::globals':
manage_package_repo => true,
repo_location => ''
-> class {'mongodb::server': }
-> class {'mongodb::client': }
Having a local copy of MongoDB repository (that is managed by your private modules)
you can still enjoy the charms of mongodb::params
that manage packages.
To disable managing of repository, but still enable managing packages:
class {'mongodb::globals':
manage_package_repo => false,
manage_package => true,
-> class {'mongodb::server': }
-> class {'mongodb::client': }
Most of the interaction for the server is done via mongodb::server
. For
more options please have a look at mongodb::server.
Also in this version we introduced mongodb::globals
, which is meant more
for future implementation, where you can configure the main settings for
this module in a global way, to be used by other classes and defined resources.
On its own it does nothing.
Create MongoDB database
To install MongoDB server, create database "testdb" and user "user1" with password "pass1".
class {'mongodb::server':
auth => true,
mongodb::db { 'testdb':
user => 'user1',
password_hash => 'a15fbfca5e3a758be80ceaf42458bcd8',
Parameter 'password_hash' is hex encoded md5 hash of "user1:mongo:pass1". Unsafe plain text password could be used with 'password' parameter instead of 'password_hash'.
Ops Manager
To install Ops Manager and have it run with a local MongoDB application server do the following:
class {'mongodb::opsmanager':
opsmanager_url => ''
mongo_uri => 'mongodb://yourmongocluster:27017,
from_email_addr => '',
reply_to_email_addr => '',
admin_email_addr => '',
$smtp_server_hostname => ''
The default settings will not set useful email addresses. You can also just run include mongodb::opsmanager
and then set the emails later.
Ops Manager Usage
Most of the interaction for the server is done via mongodb::opsmanager
. For
more options please have a look at mongodb::opsmanager.
Public classes
: Installs and configure MongoDBmongodb::client
: Installs the MongoDB client shell (for Red Hat family systems)mongodb::globals
: Configure main settings in a global waymongodb::mongos
: Installs and configure Mongos server (for sharding support)mongodb::opsmanager
: Installs and configure Ops Manager
Private classes
: Manage MongoDB software repositorymongodb::repo::apt
: Manage Debian/Ubuntu apt MongoDB repositorymongodb::repo::yum
: Manage Redhat/CentOS yum MongoDB repositorymongodb::server::config
: Configures MongoDB configuration filesmongodb::server::install
: Install MongoDB software packagesmongodb::server::service
: Manages servicemongodb::client::install
: Installs the MongoDB client software packagemongodb::mongos::config
: Configures Mongos configuration filesmongodb::mongos::install
: Install Mongos software packagesmongodb::mongos::service
: Manages Mongos service
Class: mongodb::globals
Note: most server specific defaults should be overridden in the mongodb::server
class. This class should only be used if you are using a non-standard OS or
if you are changing elements such as version
or manage_package_repo
can only be changed here.
This class allows you to configure the main settings for this module in a global way, to be used by the other classes and defined resources. On its own it does nothing.
This setting can be used to override the default MongoDB server package name. If not specified, the module will use whatever package name is the default for your OS distro.
This setting can be used to override the default MongoDB service name. If not specified, the module will use whatever service name is the default for your OS distro.
This setting can be used to override the default MongoDB service provider. If not specified, the module will use whatever service provider is the default for your OS distro.
This setting can be used to override the default status check command for your MongoDB service. If not specified, the module will use whatever service name is the default for your OS distro.
This setting can be used to override the default management of the mongod service. By default the module will manage the mongod process.
This setting can be used to override the default management of the mongos service. By default the module will manage the mongos process.
This setting can be used to override the default MongoDB user and owner of the service and related files in the file system. If not specified, the module will use the default for your OS distro.
This setting can be used to override the default MongoDB user group to be used for related files in the file system. If not specified, the module will use the default for your OS distro.
This setting is used to configure MongoDB to turn on ipv6 support. If not specified and ipv6 address is passed to MongoDB bind_ip it will just fail.
This setting can be used to configure MonogDB process to bind to and listen for connections from applications on this address. If not specified, the module will use the default for your OS distro. Note: This value should be passed as an array.
When manage_package_repo
is set to true, this setting indicates if it will
use the Community Edition (false, the default) or the Enterprise one (true).
The version of MonogDB to install/manage. This is needed when managing repositories. If not specified, the module will use the default for your OS distro.
This setting can be used to override the default MongoDB repository location. If not specified, the module will use the default repository for your OS distro.
This will allow you to set a proxy for your repository in case you are behind a corporate firewall. Currently this is only supported with yum repositories
This sets the username for the proxyserver, should authentication be required
This sets the password for the proxyserver, should authentication be required
Class: mongodb::server
Most of the parameters manipulate the mongod.conf file.
For more details about configuration parameters consult the MongoDB Configuration File Options.
Used to ensure that the package is installed and the service is running, or that the package is absent/purged and the service is stopped. Valid values are true/false/present/absent/purged.
Path of the config file. If not specified, the module will use the default for your OS distro.
Set this value to designate a directory for the mongod instance to store it's data. If not specified, the module will use the default for your OS distro.
Set this value to true if you want puppet to recursively manage the permissions of the files in the dbpath directory. If you are using the default dbpath, this should probably be false. Set this to true if you are using a custom dbpath. The default is false.
Specify a file location to hold the PID or process ID of the mongod process. If not specified, the module will use the default for your OS distro.
Should puppet create the pidfile. Mondod 6.2.10 will not start if pidfile exists
Specify the path to a file name for the log file that will hold all diagnostic logging information. Unless specified, mongod will output all log information to the standard output.
This setting has to be true to configure MongoDB to turn on ipv6 support. If not specified and ipv6 address is passed to MongoDB bind_ip it will just fail.
Set this option to configure the mongod or mongos process to bind to and listen for connections from applications on this address. If not specified, the module will use the default for your OS distro. Example: bind_ip=['', ''] Note: bind_ip accepts an array as a value.
Set to true to add new entries to the end of the logfile rather than overwriting the content of the log when the process restarts. Default: True
Set to reopen for mongo to close a log file then reopen it so that logrotations handled outside of mongo perform as expected. Default: undef
Set to true to fork server process at launch time. The default setting depends on the operating system.
Specifies a TCP port for the server instance to listen for client connections. Default: 27017
Set to true to enable operation journaling to ensure write durability and data consistency. Default: on 64-bit systems true and on 32-bit systems false
Set nojournal = true to disable durability journaling. By default, mongod enables journaling in 64-bit versions after v2.0. Default: on 64-bit systems false and on 32-bit systems true
Note: You must use journal to enable journaling on 32-bit systems.
Set to true to modify MongoDB to use a smaller default data file size. Specifically, smallfiles reduces the initial size for data files and limits them to 512 megabytes. Default: false
Set to true to force mongod to report every four seconds CPU utilization and the amount of time that the processor waits for I/O operations to complete (i.e. I/O wait.) Default: false
Set to true to enable database authentication for users connecting from remote hosts. If no users exist, the localhost interface will continue to have access to the database until you create the first user. Default: false
Disable authentication. Currently the default. Exists for future compatibility and clarity.
Increases the amount of internal reporting returned on standard output or in
the log file generated by logpath
. Default: false
MongoDB has the following levels of verbosity: v, vv, vvv, vvvv and vvvvv. Default: None
Forces the mongod to validate all requests from clients upon receipt to ensure that clients never insert invalid documents into the database.
Set to true to enable a maximum limit for the number of data files each database can have. The default quota is 8 data files, when quota is true. Default: false
Modify limit on the number of data files per database. This option requires the
setting. Default: 8
Creates a very verbose diagnostic log for troubleshooting and recording various errors. Valid values: 0, 1, 2, 3 and 7. For more information please refer to MongoDB Configuration File Options.
Set to true to modify the storage pattern of the data directory to store each database’s files in a distinct folder. Default: false
Modify this value to changes the level of database profiling, which inserts
information about operation performance into output of mongod or the
log file if specified by logpath
Specifies a value to set the maximum number of simultaneous connections that MongoDB will accept. Default: depends on system (i.e. ulimit and file descriptor) limits. Unless set, MongoDB will not limit its own connections.
Specifies a maximum size in megabytes for the replication operation log (e.g. oplog.) mongod creates an oplog based on the maximum amount of space available. For 64-bit systems, the oplog is typically 5% of available disk space.
Ignore query hints. Default: None
Set to true to disable the HTTP interface. This command will override the rest and disable the HTTP interface if you specify both. Default: false
Set noscripting = true to disable the scripting engine. Default: false
Set notablescan = true to forbid operations that require a table scan. Default: false
Set noprealloc = true to disable the preallocation of data files. This will shorten the start up time in some cases, but can cause significant performance penalties during normal operations. Default: false
Use this setting to control the default size for all newly created namespace files (i.e .ns). Default: 16
MMS token for mms monitoring. Default: None
MMS identifier for mms monitoring. Default: None
MMS interval for mms monitoring. Default: None
Use this setting to enable config server mode for mongod.
Use this setting to enable shard server mode for mongod.
Use this setting to configure replication with replica sets. Specify a replica set name as an argument to this set. All hosts must have the same set name.
An array of member hosts for the replica set.
Mutually exclusive with replset_config
A hash that is used to configure the replica set.
Mutually exclusive with replset_members
class mongodb::server {
replset => 'rsmain',
replset_config => { 'rsmain' => { ensure => present, settings => { heartbeatTimeoutSecs => 15, getLastErrorModes => { ttmode => { dc => 1 } } }, members => [{'host'=>'host1:27017', 'tags':{ 'dc' : 'east'}}, { 'host' => 'host2:27017'}, 'host3:27017'] } }
A hash to allow for additional configuration options to be set in user-provided template.
Set to true to enable a simple REST interface. Default: false
Runs the mongod or mongos instance in a quiet mode that attempts to limit the amount of output. This option suppresses : "output from database commands, including drop, dropIndexes, diagLogging, validate, and clean", "replication activity", "connection accepted events" and "connection closed events". Default: false
For production systems this option is not recommended as it may make tracking problems during particular connections much more difficult.
Sets the threshold for mongod to consider a query “slow” for the database profiler. Default: 100 ms
Specify the path to a key file to store authentication information. This option is only useful for the connection between replica set members. Default: None
Specify the key contained within the keyfile. This option is only useful for the connection between replica set members. Default: None
Set to true to configure the current instance to act as master instance in a replication configuration. Default: False Note: deprecated – use replica sets
Specify extra configuration file parameters (i.e. textSearchEnabled=true). Default: None
Sends all logging output to the host’s syslog system rather than to standard output or a log file. Default: None Important: You cannot use syslog with logpath. Set logpath to false to disable it.
Set to true to configure the current instance to act as slave instance in a replication configuration. Default: false Note: deprecated – use replica sets
Used with the slave option, only specifies only a single database to replicate. Default: <> Note: deprecated – use replica sets
Used with the slave setting to specify the master instance from which this slave instance will replicate. Default: <> Note: deprecated – use replica sets
Set to true to enable ssl. Default: <> Important: You need to have ssl_key set as well, and the file needs to pre-exist on node. If you wish to use certificate validation, ssl_ca must also be set.
Default: <>
Default: <>
Set to true to disable mandatory SSL client authentication Default: False
Set to true to disable fqdn SSL cert check Default: False
Ssl authorization mode. Valid options are: requireSSL, preferSSL, allowSSL. Default: requireSSL
Whether or not the MongoDB service resource should be part of the catalog. Default: true
Only needed for MongoDB 3.x versions, where it's possible to select the 'wiredTiger' engine in addition to the default 'mmapv1' engine. If not set, the config is left out and mongo will default to 'mmapv1'. You should not set this for MongoDB versions < 3.x
Specifies whether the service should be restarted on config changes. Default: 'true'
Allows to create admin user for admin database. Redefine these parameters if needed:
Administrator user name
Administrator user password
Administrator user roles
Store admin credentials in mongorc.js file. Uses with create_admin
Set this to false to avoid having puppet handle .mongorc.js in case you wish to deliver it by other means. This is needed for facts to work if you have auth set to true. Default is true.
Class: mongodb::mongos
class. This class should only be used if you want to implement sharding within your mongodb deployment.
This class allows you to configure the mongos daemon (responsible for routing) on your platform.
Used to ensure that the package is installed and the service is running, or that the package is absent/purged and the service is stopped. Valid values are true/false/present/absent/purged.
Path of the config file. If not specified, the module will use the default for your OS distro.
Config content if the default doesn't match one needs.
Path to the config template if the default doesn't match one needs.
Hash containing key-value pairs to allow for additional configuration options to be set in user-provided template.
Array of the config servers IP addresses the mongos should connect to.
Whether or not the MongoDB sharding service resource should be part of the catalog. Default: true
This setting can be used to override the default Mongos service name. If not specified, the module will use whatever service name is the default for your OS distro.
This setting can be used to override the default Mongos service provider. If not specified, the module will use whatever service provider is the default for your OS distro.
This setting can be used to override the default status check command for your Mongos service. If not specified, the module will use whatever service name is the default for your OS distro.
This setting can be used to specify if the service should be enable at boot
This setting can be used to specify if the service should be running
This setting can be used to specify if puppet should install the package or not
This setting can be used to specify the name of the package that should be installed. If not specified, the module will use whatever service name is the default for your OS distro.
Specifies whether the service should be restarted on config changes. Default: 'true'
Definition: mongodb:db
Creates database with user. Resource title used as database name.
Name of the user for database
Hex encoded md5 hash of "$username:mongo:$password". For more information please refer to MongoDB Authentication Process.
Plain-text user password (will be hashed)
Array with user roles as string. Roles will be granted to user's database if no alternative database is explicitly defined. Example: ['dbAdmin', 'readWrite@other_database'] Default: ['dbAdmin']
Provider: mongodb_database
'mongodb_database' can be used to create and manage databases within MongoDB.
mongodb_database { testdb:
ensure => present,
tries => 10,
require => Class['mongodb::server'],
The maximum amount of two second tries to wait MongoDB startup. Default: 10
Provider: mongodb_user
'mongodb_user' can be used to create and manage users within MongoDB database.
Note: if replica set is enabled, replica initialization has to come before any user operations.
mongodb_user { testuser:
name => 'testuser',
ensure => present,
password_hash => mongodb_password('testuser', 'p@ssw0rd'),
database => testdb,
roles => ['readWrite', 'dbAdmin'],
tries => 10,
require => Class['mongodb::server'],
Name of the mongodb user.
Hex encoded md5 hash of "$username:mongo:$password". Only available on MongoDB 3.0 and later.
Plaintext password of the user.
Name of database. It will be created, if not exists.
Array with user roles as string. Roles will be granted to user's database if no alternative database is explicitly defined. Example: ['dbAdmin', 'readWrite@other_database'] Default: ['dbAdmin']
The maximum amount of two second tries to wait MongoDB startup. Default: 10
Provider: mongodb_replset
'mongodb_replset' can be used to create and manage MongoDB replicasets.
mongodb_replset { rsmain:
ensure => present,
members => ['host1:27017', 'host2:27017', 'host3:27017']
Ideally the mongodb_replset
resource will be declared on the initial
desired primary node (arbitrarily the first of the list) and this node will be
processed once the secondary nodes are up. This will ensure all the nodes are
in the first configuration of the replicaset, else it will require running
puppet again to add them.
Array of 'host:port' of the replicaset members.
It currently only adds members without options.
Provider: mongodb_shard
'mongodb_shard' can be used to create and manage MongoDB shards. Note: Removing a shard is not yet supported. Shard can only be added.
mongodb_shard { 'rsmain':
member => 'rsmain/host1:27017',
keys => [{'' => {'name' => 1}}],
Member of the shard in the form;
- [hostname]
- [hostname]:[port]
- [replica-set-name]/[hostname]
- [replica-set-name]/[hostname]:port
Sharding keys for a specific database. This variable should be an array of sharding keys.
This module has been tested on:
- Debian 7.* (Wheezy)
- Debian 6.* (squeeze)
- Ubuntu 12.04.2 (precise)
- Ubuntu 10.04.4 LTS (lucid)
- RHEL 5/6/7
- CentOS 5/6/7
For a full list of tested operating systems please have a look at the .nodeset.xml definition.
This module should support service_ensure
separate from the ensure
value on Class[mongodb::server]
but it does not yet.
Apt module support
While this module supports both 1.x and 2.x versions of the puppetlabs-apt module, it does not support puppetlabs-apt 2.0.0 or 2.0.1.
This module is maintained by Vox Pupuli. Voxpupuli welcomes new contributions to this module, especially those that include documentation and rspec tests. We are happy to provide guidance if necessary.
Please see CONTRIBUTING for more details.
- Puppetlabs Module Team
- Voxpupuli Team
We would like to thank everyone who has contributed issues and pull requests to this module. A complete list of contributors can be found on the GitHub Contributor Graph for the puppet-mongodb module.
All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. Each new release typically also includes the latest modulesync defaults. These should not affect the functionality of the module.
v4.1.0 (2021-10-28)
Implemented enhancements:
Fixed bugs:
Closed issues:
- Fails to install on Ubuntu 20.04 #627
- Missing key for Apt for installing 5.0 mongo #614
- Error: Could not prefetch mongodb_replset provider 'mongo': 765: unexpected token at 'WARNING: ) is deprecated and may be removed in the next major release. Please use secondaryOk() #612
- 4.x version. Initialization of replset and user creation problem. #583
v4.0.0 (2021-09-03)
Breaking changes:
- Drop Puppet 5/Add puppet 7 support #617 (root-expert)
- Drop Ubuntu 16/Add Ubuntu 20 support #616 (root-expert)
Implemented enhancements:
- Support managing selinux #413
- Add Debian 10 support #619 (root-expert)
- Use Puppet-Datatype Sensitive for Passwords #611 (cocker-cc)
- Change set_parameter to be an array of strings #595 (ZloeSabo)
- Use rs.secondaryOk on versions that deprecated rs.slaveOk #594 (svenbs)
- Add MongoDB 4.4 repository signing key. #592 (dhs-rec)
Fixed bugs:
- Existence of /root/.mongorc.js triggers mongod restart #449
- Fix MongoDB installation on RedHat family #606 (hdep)
- Update mongodb-shard.conf.erb #591 (andreish)
- Fix mongorc.js file when authentication is not enabled. #590 (vladpetrus)
- Fix digestPassword typo mongodb.rb #589 (covidium)
Closed issues:
- MongoDB 4.2.10 starts to emit warnings about slaveOk() being deprecated, which breaks the module #596
- Can't use mongodb repository on debian 9 #529
Merged pull requests:
- puppet-lint: fix top_scope_facts warnings #621 (bastelfreak)
- Allow stdlib 8.x and apt 8.x #620 (smortex)
- modulesync 3.0.0 & puppet-lint updates #586 (bastelfreak)
- Describe disabling logpath to make syslog work #585 (lennartkoopmann)
- Use voxpupuli-acceptance #580 (ekohl)
v3.1.0 (2020-02-11)
Implemented enhancements:
- restrict opsmanager conf file permissions for better security #563 (FLiPp3r90)
- rebased PR#308 to allow other databases in the format 'role@db' for mongodb_user #432 (pecharmin)
Fixed bugs:
- Wrong APT-key #546
- Mongo 4.0.x: unable to create user #525
- user creation idempotency issues #412
- fix(is_master-fact): use --ssl if --sslPEMKeyFile or --sslCAFile is s… #573 (buchstabensalat)
- Fixed the problem: the user was not created for Mongodb 4.x #561 (identw)
- Only create database and user when mongodb_is_master #558 (JvGinkel)
Closed issues:
- mongo 3.x replicaset init failed #554
Merged pull requests:
v3.0.0 (2019-05-21)
Breaking changes:
- modulesync 2.7.0 and drop puppet 4 #533 (bastelfreak)
- Refactor client handling #520 (ekohl)
- Refactor mongos handling #509 (ekohl)
- Drop support for mongodb versions before 2.6 #504 (ekohl)
- Drop EL6 support #503 (ekohl)
- Remove 10gen repository support #497 (ekohl)
- Move to Debian 9 and Ubuntu 16.04/18.04 #494 (ekohl)
- Remove init.pp #493 (ekohl)
Implemented enhancements:
- Deprecate (and then remove) 10gen requirement/pieces #416
- support percona mongodb version output #530 (h0tw1r3)
- Add aptkey_options parameter to mongodb::repo class #524 (JvGinkel)
- Set database permissions to 0750 #511 (ekohl)
- Convert mongodb_password into a Puppet 4 function #502 (ekohl)
- Add new classes for installing Ops Manager on a target machine. #500 (claycogg)
Fixed bugs:
- Fix undefined local variable or method `n' #537 (FunFR)
- Fix for MongoDB v4 Replica Set initialization #535 (radupantiru)
- Fix a dependency cycle caused by Apt::Source from puppetlabs-apt 6.3.0 #528 (thaiphv)
Merged pull requests:
- Allow
6.x #538 (alexjfisher) - Allow puppetlabs/apt 7.x #536 (dhoppe)
- #512: Current 'sharding.pp' example typo #513 (jeff1evesque)
- Remove old nodesets #510 (ekohl)
- Refactor mongos handling #508 (ekohl)
- Deduplicate & update params.pp #506 (ekohl)
- Clean up coding styles #505 (ekohl)
- Rewrite mocking and stubbing to only rspec #496 (ekohl)
- Refactor spec testing to not test private classes #495 (ekohl)
- Major cleanup to get the acceptance tests working #491 (ekohl)
v2.4.1 (2018-10-08)
Fixed bugs:
- Revert "Fallback to monogb version from fact if no explicit version got provided" #498 (ekohl)
- Also autorequire mongod service in types #492 (ekohl)
Closed issues:
- invalid byte sequence in US-ASCII #426
v2.4.0 (2018-10-05)
Fixed bugs:
Merged pull requests:
- modulesync 2.1.0, allow puppet 6.x and puppetlabs/apt 6.x #490 (bastelfreak)
- allow puppetlabs/stdlib 5.x #484 (bastelfreak)
- add gsub to replace invalid json values with a 1 #468 (TomRitserveldt)
- add rs.slaveOk to run before the getDBs call #446 (TomRitserveldt)
v2.3.0 (2018-08-20)
Implemented enhancements:
Merged pull requests:
- allow puppetlabs/apt 5.x #481 (bastelfreak)
v2.2.2 (2018-07-16)
Fixed bugs:
- Could not find scope for mongodb::params #428
- Fix a circular loading issue with mongodb::repo #474 (ekohl)
v2.2.1 (2018-06-25)
Fixed bugs:
- Undefined method 'get_config_options' in is_master.rb #471
- Use the correct function in is_master fact #472 (ekohl)
v2.2.0 (2018-06-16)
Implemented enhancements:
- Repo for version 3.6 is using wrong key. #465
- This will add the correct apt key for version 3.6. #466 (noni73)
Fixed bugs:
Merged pull requests:
- Remove docker nodesets #463 (bastelfreak)
- drop EOL OSs; fix puppet version range #462 (bastelfreak)
v2.1.2 (2018-03-28)
Fixed bugs:
- Notice on every run for password_hash #425
- Add check if scram credentials are insync with hash #455 (ctrox)
v2.1.1 (2018-03-27)
Fixed bugs:
Closed issues:
- Fact "mongodb_is_master" fails on mongodb clients #441
Merged pull requests:
- bump puppet to latest supported version 4.10.0 #452 (bastelfreak)
v2.1.0 (2018-02-27)
Implemented enhancements:
Fixed bugs:
- Fixed changing user password with MongoDB 2.6 #442 (webcompas)
- Fix password changing issue voxpupuli/puppet-mongodb#438 #440 (webcompas)
- Add a retry block when hosts are added to replset #436 (pkilambi)
Closed issues:
- Changing a user's password doesn't work #438
v2.0.0 (2018-01-04)
Breaking changes:
Implemented enhancements:
Fixed bugs:
- apt-transport-https required on Ubuntu when installing version >= 3.0.0. #417
- Fix compilation failures on RHEL when
manage_package => true
#431 (fatmcgav)
Closed issues:
- "Unknown variable 'mongodb::params::journal'" error when 'manage_package => true' #430
- package version override broken with yum #415
- create admin and repl set fail with password #414
- 10gen repo handling doesn't work #101
Merged pull requests:
- Set types for mongodb::db #421 (ekohl)
- Allow bind_ip to be an IP or array of IPs. Add data types for a coupl… #411 (wyardley)
- Some minor initial fixes for acceptance tests #409 (wyardley)
- Use raise Puppet::Error instead of #408 (wyardley)
- fix for rubocop issues introduced in 9e2c #407 (wyardley)
- Autorequire mongodb_database for mongodb_user #394 (ekohl)
- Set dbpath_fix to false by default #347 (mwhahaha)
- Fixed: create database admin only if service_ensure is true. #240 (pcheliniy)
v1.1.0 (2017-10-20)
Implemented enhancements:
- Allow user-supplied configuration data #389 (blackophelia)
- MODULES-5483: Auth and FQDN certs => Fail #369 (ThoTischner)
Fixed bugs:
- Fix password on admin db #393 (benohara)
- fix issue MODULES-5545 #390 (bovy89)
- mongodb no longer provides the stable link #361 (attachmentgenie)
Closed issues:
- Can't change dbpath on Debian Stretch / Puppet5 with Hiera #398
Merged pull requests:
- Release 1.1.0 #403 (wyardley)
- correct spelling mistake #395 (EdwardBetts)
- (maint) modulesync 915cde70e20 #388 (glennsarti)
- (MODULES-5187) mysnc puppet 5 and ruby 2.4 #387 (eputnam)
- Update #386 (LasseRafn)
- Release 1.0.0 mergeback #384 (eputnam)
- Only check if master if mongod installed #314 (benohara)
1.0.0 (2017-06-30)
Major release removing Puppet 3 support.
param inmongodb::server
param inmongodb
, andmongodb::server::config
to handle credentials outside of Puppet (MODULES-1754)sslMode
when SSL is used- ability to use unencrypted passwords
- lower bound of Puppet requirement to 4.7.0
- use of
to determine if SSL is enabled
property inmongodb_user
to allow hyphens (MODULES-4444)- gsub pattern for
fact mongodb_version
fact- selinux dbpath contexts in
- Debian-based repo paths
for Debian- syntax error in net.ipv6 configuration option
- spec failure caused by Puppet 5
- is_master in mongodb provider
Unsupported Release 0.17.0
Adding features to improve spec testing, and added ability to manage pidfile creation
- gettext and spec.opts
- msync Gemfile for 1.0 frozen strings (MODULES-3631)
- MongoDB 3.12 creates pid file and checks in init script (MODULES-3956)
- gemfile template to be identical (MODULES-3704)
- deprecation errors
Unsupported Release 0.16.0
We fixed a critical bug where we lost idempotency in 0.15.0. The patch that fix this problem will be part of this release.
- Recursively manage only user/group for dbpath
Unsupported Release 0.15.0
The addition of several new functional features which will help with management and multiple bug fixes.
- Added ability to set PID file mode.
- Recursively manage the contents of dbpath directory.
- Now alllows custom templates.
- Addition of mongo listen port before creating facter.
- Now allows hyphens in database names.
- Now converts MongoDB ObjectID objects to generic JSON.
- Use the same regex that the mongodb provider does when correcting for ObjectID values in the isMaster response.
- Fixes to ensure that the auth property for config is parsed correctly.
- Now checks if mongo is up before evaluating is_master fact.
Unsupported Release 0.14.0
This breaking release increases the lower bound of the puppetlabs-apt dependency to the 2.x series of apt and puppetlabs-stdlib to >= 4.4.0. The operating system metadata is also updated to reflect modern systems.
- Add
fact - Add
parameter for exported resource deduplication - Add Debian 8 compatibility
- Add Ubuntu 14.04 compatibility
- Add Ubuntu 16.04 compatibility
- Add puppet 3.x 4.x compatibility metadata
- Increase apt lower dependency to >= 2.1.0
- Increase stdlib lower dependency to >= 4.4.0
- Drop RHEL & Centos 5
- Drop Debian 6
- Drop Ubuntu 10.04
- Catch unconfigured replset configuration queries
- Fix timestamp and other javascript object removal
- Correct permissions on .mongorc.js to 600
Unsupported Release 0.13.0
Adds several new large features, including the support of mongodb 3.x. Also applies numerous bugfixes, mainly around fixing errors being thrown and syntax issues.
- Adds mongodb_version fact.
- Add mongodb 3.x.
- Update to current msync configs.
- Now ensures that the pidfile exists and is writable.
- Simplified configuration parsing.
- Made argument handling more extensible.
- Added SSL support.
- Made ssl_ca optional when using SSL.
- Added $maxconns to mongodb::server::config.
- Added Suse to operating systems.
- Removes empty lines between doc and definition.
- Fix when using admin params : catalog: Found 1 dependency cycle: issue.
- Some syntax error fixes.
- Cleaned up provider formatting.
- Parse NumberLong data type from mongodb outputs to generate valid json.
- Checks if $version is defined before versioncmp.
- Fixed deprecation warning for use of configtimeout.
Unsupported Release 0.12.0
There are a number of bugfixes and features added in this release including, mongo db 3 engine support, ipv6 support and repo and yum improvements.
- Distinguish between repo and package mgmt
- Immplement retries for MongoDB shell commands
- Initiate replica set creation from localhost if auth is enabled
- Added specific service provider for Debian
- mongo db 3 engine selection support
- added an option to set a custom repository location
- Improve support for MongoDB authentication and replicaset
- Add yum proxy options
- Enable IPv6 in mongodb provider
- Fix mongodb_user username => name
- ensure that the client install does not start before the repo setup
- Fix replset not working on mongo 3.x
- Prealloc setting needs to be negated
- Add mongoDB >=3.x new yum repo location
- Add pidfilepath to globals when used in params
- Normalize spacing in template
- Switch to comparing current roles value with @property
- Fix versioncmp when version is undef
- Do not add blank parameter in ipv4
- Apply module sync
Unsupported Release 0.11.0
- arbiter support to to
, andipv6
, andrestart
, andrestart
class- Allow mongodb_conn_validator to take an array of nodes via composite namevar
- Update to long apt repo key and bump compatibility to include apt 2
- Fix
on >= 2.6 - Fix connection validation when bind_ip is
- Fix mongodb_conn_validator to use default port in shard mode
Unsupported Release 0.10.0
This release adds a number of significant features and several bug fixes.
- Adds support for sharding
- Adds support for RHEL 7
- Adds rudimentary support for SSL configuration
- Adds support for the enterprise repository
- Fixes support for running on non-default ports
- Fixes the idempotency of password setting (for mongo 2.6)
Unsupported Release 0.9.0
This release has a number of new parameters, support for 2.6, improved providers, and several bugfixes.
- New parameters:
- New parameters:
- New parameters:
- Support for mongodb 2.6
- Reimplement
provider - Added
- Use hkp for the apt keyserver
- Fix mongodb database existence check
- Fix
problem (MODULES-690) - Make sure
doesn't have any spaces - Providers need the client command before they can work (MODULES-1285)
Unsupported Release 0.8.0
This feature features a rewritten mongodb_replset{} provider, includes several important bugfixes, ruby 1.8 support, and two new features.
- Rewritten mongodb_replset{}, featuring puppet resource support, prefetching, and flushing.
- Add Ruby 1.8 compatibility.
- Adds
, allowing you to configure mongodb to send all logging to the hosts syslog. - Add mongodb::replset, a wrapper class for hiera users.
- Improved testing!
- Fixes the package names to work since 10gen renamed them again.
- Fix provider name in the README.
- Disallow
to be set at the same time. - Changed - to = for versioned install on Ubuntu.
Unsupported Release 0.7.0
Added Replica Set Type and Provider
Unsupported Release 0.6.0
Added support for installing MongoDB client on RHEL family systems.
Unsupported Release 0.5.0
Added types for providers for Mongo users and databases.
Unsupported Release 0.4.0
Major refactoring of the MongoDB module. Includes a new 'mongodb::globals' that consolidates many shared parameters into one location. This is an API-breaking release in anticipation of a 1.0 release.
Unsupported Release 0.3.0
Adds a number of parameters and fixes some platform specific bugs in module deployment.
Unsupported Release 0.2.0
This release fixes a duplicate parameter.
- Fix a duplicated parameter.
Unsupported Release 0.1.0
- Add support for RHEL/CentOS
- Change default mongodb install location to OS repo
Unsupported Release 0.0.2
- Fix Modulefile typo.
- Remove repo pin.
- Update spec tests and add travis support.
Unsupported Release 0.0.1
- Initial Release.
* This Changelog was automatically generated by github_changelog_generator
- puppetlabs/apt (>= 2.1.0 < 9.0.0)
- puppetlabs/stdlib (>= 4.25.0 < 9.0.0)
- puppet/systemd (>= 2.5.1 < 4.0.0)
- puppet/zypprepo (>= 4.0.1 < 6.0.0)
Apache License Version 2.0, January 2004 TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR USE, REPRODUCTION, AND DISTRIBUTION 1. Definitions. "License" shall mean the terms and conditions for use, reproduction, and distribution as defined by Sections 1 through 9 of this document. "Licensor" shall mean the copyright owner or entity authorized by the copyright owner that is granting the License. "Legal Entity" shall mean the union of the acting entity and all other entities that control, are controlled by, or are under common control with that entity. For the purposes of this definition, "control" means (i) the power, direct or indirect, to cause the direction or management of such entity, whether by contract or otherwise, or (ii) ownership of fifty percent (50%) or more of the outstanding shares, or (iii) beneficial ownership of such entity. "You" (or "Your") shall mean an individual or Legal Entity exercising permissions granted by this License. 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