Version information
This version is compatible with:
- Puppet Enterprise 2023.2.x, 2023.1.x, 2023.0.x, 2021.7.x, 2021.6.x, 2021.5.x, 2021.4.x, 2021.3.x, 2021.2.x, 2021.1.x, 2021.0.x, 2019.8.x, 2019.7.x, 2019.5.x, 2019.4.x, 2019.3.x, 2019.2.x, 2019.1.x
- Puppet >= 6.1.0 < 8.0.0
- Archlinux, Gentoo, , , AIX , , , , , , , , , ,
Start using this module
Add this module to your Puppetfile:
mod 'puppet-zabbix', '9.1.0'
Learn more about managing modules with a PuppetfileDocumentation
Table of Contents
- Overview
- Upgrade
- Module Description - What the module does and why it is useful
- Setup - The basics of getting started with the zabbix module
- Usage - Configuration options and additional functionality
- Reference - An under-the-hood peek at what the module is doing and how
- Limitations - OS compatibility, etc.
- Development - Contributors
- Notes
This module contains the classes for installing and configuring the following zabbix components:
- zabbix-server
- zabbix-agent
- zabbix-proxy
- zabbix-javagateway
- zabbix-sender
This readme will contain all basic information to get you started. Some more information can be found on the github wiki, location:
Module Description
When using this module, you can monitor your whole environment with zabbix. It can install the various zabbix components like the server and agent, but you will also be able to install specific "userparameter" file which zabbix can use for monitoring.
With the 0.4.0 release, you can - when you have configured exported resources - configure agents and proxies in the webinterface. So when you add an zabbix::agent to an host, it first install the agent onto the host. It will send some data to the puppetdb and when puppet runs on the zabbix-server it will create this new host via the zabbix-api.
Be aware when you have a lot of hosts, it will increase the puppet runtime on the zabbix-server host. It will check via the zabbix-api if hosts exits and costs time.
This module make uses of this gem: With this gem it is possible to create/update hosts/proxy in ruby easy.
With release 1.0.0 the zabbix::server class is split into 3 classes:
- zabbix::web
- zabbix::server
- zabbix::database
Now you can use 3 machines for each purpose. This is something for the bigger environments to spread the load.
When upgrading from 0.x.x to 1.x.x, be aware of the following changes:
- Choose the correct zabbix setup for your environment *:
- Single node
- Multi node
- Path changes for the database ".done" file. Create the following files in /etc/zabbix/:
- /etc/zabbix/.schema.done
- /etc/zabbix/.images.done
- /etc/zabbix/.data.done
- Rename of the following parameters:
- dbtype --> database_type
- dbhost --> database_host
- dbuser --> database_user
- dbpass --> database_password
- dbschema --> database_schema
- dbname --> database_name
- dbsocket --> database_socket
- dbport --> database_port
* check this document/paragraph how to setup your environment. There were multiple changes to make this work (Like moving parameters to other (new) classes).
In case I missed something, please let me know and will update this document.
Altough this is an major update, there is only one small change that we need to discuss and is specifically for the Zabbix Proxy.
The following properties for the zabbix::proxy needs to have the sizes:
- vmwarecachesize
- cachesize
- historycachesize
- historytextcachesize
Before 2.0.0 these could be used with an single integer, as in the template was hardcoded the 'M'. With release 2.0.0 you'll have to use the correct full size like: 8M, 16M or 2G.
As this puppet module contains specific components for zabbix, you'll need to specify which you want to install. Every zabbix component has his own zabbix:: class. Here you'll find each component.
Setup zabbix-server
This will install an basic zabbix-server instance. You'll have to decide if you want to run everything on a single host or multiple hosts. When installing on a single host, the 'zabbix' class can be used. When you want to use more than 1 host, you'll need the following classes:
- zabbix::web
- zabbix::server
- zabbix::database
You can see at "usage" in this documentation how all of this can be achieved.
You will need to supply one parameter: zabbix_url. This is the url on which the zabbix instance will be available. With the example at "setup", the zabbix webinterface will be:
When installed succesfully, zabbix web interface will be accessable and you can login with the default credentials:
Username: Admin Password: zabbix
The following will provide an basic usage of the zabbix components.
Usage zabbix-server
The zabbix-server can be used in 2 ways:
- one node setup
- multiple node setup.
The following is an example for using the PostgreSQL as database:
node '' {
class { 'apache':
mpm_module => 'prefork',
include apache::mod::php
class { 'postgresql::server': }
class { 'zabbix':
zabbix_url => '',
When you want to make use of an MySQL database as backend:
node '' {
class { 'apache':
mpm_module => 'prefork',
include apache::mod::php
class { 'mysql::server': }
class { 'zabbix':
zabbix_url => '',
database_type => 'mysql',
Everything will be installed on the same server. There is also an possibility to seperate the components, please check the following wiki:
Please note that if you use apache as the frontend (which is the default) and SELinux is enabled, you need to set these SEBooleans (preferably in a profile) to allow apache to connect to the database:
if $facts['selinux'] {
selboolean { ['httpd_can_network_connect', 'httpd_can_network_connect_db']:
persistent => true,
value => 'on',
Usage zabbix-agent
Basic one way of setup, wheter it is monitored by zabbix-server or zabbix-proxy:
class { 'zabbix::agent':
server => '',
Usage zabbix-proxy
Like the zabbix-server, the zabbix-proxy can also be used in 2 ways:
- single node
- multiple node
The following is an example for using the PostgreSQL as database:
node '' {
class { 'postgresql::server': }
class { 'zabbix::database':
database_type => 'postgresql',
class { 'zabbix::proxy':
zabbix_server_host => '',
database_type => 'postgresql',
When you want to make use of an MySQL database as backend:
node '' {
class { 'mysql::server': }
class { 'zabbix::database':
database_type => 'mysql',
class { 'zabbix::proxy':
zabbix_server_host => '',
database_type => 'mysql',
When you want to make use of an sqlite database as backend:
class { 'zabbix::proxy':
zabbix_server_host => '',
database_type => 'sqlite',
database_name => '/tmp/database',
You'll have to specify the location to the file in the database_name
parameter. Zabbix should have write access to the file/directory.
Everything will be installed on the same server. There is also an possibility to seperate the components, please check the following wiki:
Usage zabbix-javagateway
The zabbix-javagateway can be used with an zabbix-server or zabbix-proxy. You'll need to install it on an server. (Can be together with zabbix-server or zabbix-proxy, you can even install it on a sperate machine.). The following example shows you to use it on a seperate machine.
node '' {
# My ip:
class { 'zabbix::javagateway': }
When installed on seperate machine, the zabbix::server configuration should be updated by adding the javagateway
node '' {
class { 'zabbix::server':
zabbix_url => '',
javagateway => '',
Or when using with an zabbix-proxy:
node '' {
class { 'zabbix::proxy':
zabbix_server_host => '',
javagateway => '',
Usage zabbix-sender
The zabbix-sender installation is quite simple and straightforward:
include zabbix::sender
Usage zabbix-userparameters
Using an 'source' file:
zabbix::userparameters { 'mysql':
source => 'puppet:///modules/zabbix/mysqld.conf',
Or for example when you have just one entry:
zabbix::userparameters { 'mysql':
content => ',mysqladmin -uroot ping | grep -c alive',
Using an LLD 'script' file:
zabbix::userparameters { '':
script => 'puppet:///modules/zabbix/',
When you are using Hiera or The Foreman, you can use it like this:
source: puppet:///modules/zabbix/mongo.conf
Content of the mongo.conf:
UserParameter=mongo.coll.count[*],echo "db.setSlaveOk();db.getCollection('$1').count()" | /opt/mongo/bin/mongo processor | sed -n 3p
UserParameter=mongo.db.queries,echo "db.currentOp().inprog.length" | /opt/mongo/bin/mongo processor | sed -n 3p
Screenshot from The Foreman (With thanks to "inspired-geek" )
When running the puppet-agent command, it will install the mongo.conf file on the host.
Usage zabbix-template
With the 'zabbix::template' define, you can install Zabbix templates via the API. You'll have to make sure you store the XML file somewere on your puppet server or in your module.
Please be aware that you can only make use of this feature when you have configured the module to make use of exported resources.
You can install the MySQL template xml via the next example:
zabbix::template { 'Template App MySQL':
templ_source => 'puppet:///modules/zabbix/MySQL.xml'
class accepts zabbix_version
parameter, by default is set to module's default Zabbix version.
Please override if you are using a different version.
zabbix::template { 'Template App MySQL':
templ_source => 'puppet:///modules/zabbix/MySQL.xml',
zabbix_version => '5.2'
Zabbix Upgrades
It is possible to do upgrades via this module. An example for the zabbix agent:
zabbix_version => '2.4',
manage_repo => true,
This will install the latest zabbix 2.4 agent for you. The module won't to any upgrades nor install patch releases. If you want to get patch releases automatically:
zabbix_version => '2.4',
manage_repo => true,
zabbix_package_state => 'latest',
Let's asume zabbix just released version 3.4. Than you can do upgrades as follow:
zabbix_version => '3.4',
manage_repo => true,
zabbix_package_state => 'latest',
You can also tell the module to only create the new repository, but not to update the existing agent:
zabbix_version => '3.4',
manage_repo => true,
zabbix_package_state => 'installed',
Last but not least you can disable the repo management completely, which will than install zabbix from the present system repos:
manage_repo => false,
zabbix_package_state => 'present',
Even in this scenario you can do automatic upgrades via the module (it is the job of the user to somehow bring updates into the repo, for example by managing the repo on their own):
manage_repo => false,
zabbix_package_state => 'latest',
There are some overall parameters which exists on all of the classes:
: You can specify which zabbix release needs to be installed. Default is '3.0'.manage_firewall
: Wheter you want to manage the firewall. If true, iptables will be configured to allow communications to zabbix ports. (Default: False)manage_repo
: If zabbix needs to be installed from the zabbix repositories (Default is true). When you have your own repositories, you'll set this to false. But you'll have to make sure that your repository is installed on the host.
The following is only availabe for the following classes: zabbix::web, zabbix::proxy & zabbix::agent
: As of release 0.4.0, when this parameter is set to true (Default is false) it make use of exported resources. You'll have an puppetdb configured before you can use this option. Information from the zabbix::agent, zabbix::proxy and zabbix::userparameters are able to export resources, which will be loaded on the zabbix::server.database_type
: Which database is used for zabbix. Default is postgresql.manage_database
: When the parameter 'manage_database' is set to true (Which is default), it will create the database and loads the sql files. Default the postgresql will be used as backend, mentioned in the params.pp file. You'll have to include the postgresql (or mysql) module yourself, as this module will require it.
Reference zabbix (init.pp)
This is the class for installing everything on a single host and thus all parameters described earlier and those below can be used with this class.
Reference zabbix-web
: This is the url on which Zabbix should be available. Please make sure that the entry exists in the DNS configuration.zabbix_timezone
: On which timezone the machine is placed. This information is needed for the apache virtual host.manage_vhost
: Will create an apache virtual host. Default is true.apache_use_ssl
: Will create an ssl vhost. Also nonssl vhost will be created for redirect nonssl to ssl vhost.apache_ssl_cert
: The location of the ssl certificate file. You'll need to make sure this file is present on the system, this module will not install this file.apache_ssl_key
: The location of the ssl key file. You'll need to make sure this file is present on the system, this module will not install this file.apache_ssl_cipher
: The ssl cipher used. Cipher is used from:
: The ssl_chain file. You'll need to make sure this file is present on the system, this module will not install this file.apache_php_max_execution_time
: Max execution time for php.apache_php_memory_limit
: PHP memory size limit.apache_php_upload_max_filesize
: HP maximum upload filesize.apache_php_max_input_time
: Max input time for php.apache_php_always_populate_raw_post_data
: Default: -1zabbix_api_user
: Username of user in Zabbix which is able to create hosts and edit hosts via the zabbix-api. Default: Adminzabbix_api_pass
: Password for the user in Zabbix for zabbix-api usage. Default: zabbixzabbix_template_dir
: The directory where all templates are stored before uploading via APIweb_config_owner
: Which user should own the web interface configuration file.web_config_group
: Which group should own the web interface configuration file.ldap_cacert
: The location of the CA Cert to be used for Zabbix LDAP authentication. The module will not install this file so it must be present on the system.ldap_clientcrt
: The location of the Client Cert to be used for Zabbix LDAP authentication. The module will not install this file so it must be present on the system.ldap_clientkey
: The location of the Client Key to be used for Zabbix LDAP authentication. The module will not install this file so it must be present on the system.saml_sp_key
: The location of the SAML Service Provider Key file. The module will not install this file so it must be present on the system.saml_sp_cert
: The location of the SAML Service Provider Certificate. The module will not install this file so it must be present on the system.saml_idp_cert
: The location of the SAML Identity Provider Certificate. The module will not install this file so it must be present on the system.saml_settings
: A hash (ruby style) of additional SAML SSO settings as described in the Zabbix Documentation
There are some more zabbix specific parameters, please check them by opening the manifest file.
Reference zabbix-server
: When database binaries are not in $PATH, you can use this parameter to appenddatabase_path
to $PATHtlscafile
: Full pathname of a file containing the top-level CA(s) certificates for peer certificate verification.tlscertfile
: Full pathname of a file containing the server certificate or certificate chain.tlscrlfile
: Full pathname of a file containing revoked certificates.tlskeyfile
: Full pathname of a file containing the server private key.
There are some more zabbix specific parameters, please check them by opening the manifest file.
Reference zabbix-agent
: This is the ipaddress of the zabbix-server or zabbix-proxy.allowkey
: Allows execution of item keys matching pattern.denykey
: Deny execution of items keys matching pattern.tlsaccept
: What incoming connections to accept from Zabbix server. Used for a passive proxy, ignored on an active proxy.tlscafile
: Full pathname of a file containing the top-level CA(s) certificates for peer certificate verification.tlscertfile
: Full pathname of a file containing the proxy certificate or certificate chain.tlsconnect
: How the proxy should connect to Zabbix server. Used for an active proxy, ignored on a passive proxy.tlscrlfile
: Full pathname of a file containing revoked certificates.tlskeyfile
: Full pathname of a file containing the proxy private key.tlspskfile
: Full pathname of a file containing the pre-shared key.tlspskidentity
: Unique, case sensitive string used to identify the pre-shared key.tlsservercertissuer
: Allowed server certificate issuer.tlsservercertsubject
: Allowed server certificate subject.
The following parameters is only needed when manage_resources
is set to true:
: When an agent is monitored via an proxy, enter the name of the proxy. The name is found in the webinterface via: Administration -> DM. If it isn't monitored by an proxy ormanage_resources
is false, this parameter can be empty.agent_use_ip
: Default is set to true. Zabbix server (or proxy) will connect to this host via ip instead of fqdn. When set to false, it will connect via fqdn.zbx_groups
: An array of hostgroups where this host needs to be added. Default (Array): 'Linux servers'zbx_group_create
: Default is set to true. Creates the Host Groups in Zabbix when they do not exist yet. When set to false you have to make sure the Host Group exists in Zabbixzbx_templates
: Name of the templates which will be assigned when agent is installed. Default (Array): 'Template OS Linux', 'Template App SSH Service'
There are some more zabbix specific parameters, please check them by opening the manifest file.
Reference zabbix-proxy
: The ipaddress or fqdn of the zabbix server.database_path
: When database binaries are not in $PATH, you can use this parameter to appenddatabase_path
to $PATHtlsaccept
: What incoming connections to accept from Zabbix server. Used for a passive proxy, ignored on an active proxy.tlscafile
: Full pathname of a file containing the top-level CA(s) certificates for peer certificate verification.tlscertfile
: Full pathname of a file containing the proxy certificate or certificate chain.tlsconnect
: How the proxy should connect to Zabbix server. Used for an active proxy, ignored on a passive proxy.tlscrlfile
: Full pathname of a file containing revoked certificates.tlskeyfile
: Full pathname of a file containing the proxy private key.tlspskfile
: Full pathname of a file containing the pre-shared key.tlspskidentity
: Unique, case sensitive string used to identify the pre-shared key.tlsservercertissuer
: Allowed server certificate issuer.tlsservercertsubject
: Allowed server certificate subject.
The following parameters is only needed when manage_resources
is set to true:
: Default is set to true.zbx_templates
: List of templates which are needed for the zabbix-proxy. Default: 'Template App Zabbix Proxy'mode
: Which kind of proxy it is. 0 -> active, 1 -> passive
There are some more zabbix specific parameters, please check them by opening the manifest file.
Reference zabbix-javagateway
There are some zabbix specific parameters, please check them by opening the manifest file.
Reference zabbix-userparameters
: File which holds several userparameter entries.content
: When you have 1 userparameter entry which you want to install.script
: Low level discovery (LLD) script.script_ext
: The script extention. Should be started with the dot. Like: .sh .bat .pytemplate
: When you use exported resources (when manage_resources on other components is set to true) you'll can add the name of the template which correspondents with the 'content' or 'source' which you add. The template will be added to the host.script_dir
: Whenscript
is used, this parameter can provide the directly where this script needs to be placed. Default: '/usr/bin'
Reference zabbix-template
: The name of the template. This name will be found in the Web interface.templ_source
: The location of the XML file wich needs to be imported.zabbix_version
: The Zabbix version on which the template will be installed on.
This module supports Zabbix 4.0, 5.0 and 5.2. The upstream supported versions are documented here Please have a look into the metadata.json for all supported operating systems.
This module is supported on both the community and the Enterprise version of Puppet.
Please be aware, that when manage_resources is enabled, it can increase an puppet run on the zabbix-server a lot when you have a lot of hosts.
ericsysmin will be helping and maintaining this puppet module. In Github terms he is an Collaborator. So don't be suprised if he acceps/rejects Pull Requests and comment in issues.
The following have contributed to this puppet module:
- Suff
- gattebury
- sq4ind
- nburtsev
- actionjack
- karolisc
- lucas42
- f0
- mmerfort
- genebean
- meganuke19
- fredprod
- ericsysmin
- JvdW
- rleemorlang
- genebean
- exptom
- sbaryakov
- roidelapluie
- andresvia
- ju5t
- elricsfate
- IceBear2k
- altvnk
- rnelson0
- hkumarmk
- Wprosdocimo
- 1n
- szemlyanoy
- Wprosdocimo
- sgnl05
- hmn
- BcTpe4HbIu
- mschuett
- claflico
- bastelfreak
- Oyabi
- akostetskiy
- DjxDeaf
- tcatut
- inspired-geek
- ekohl
- z3rogate
- mkrakowitzer
- eander210
- hkumarmk
- ITler
- slashr00t
- channone-arif-nbcuni
- BcTpe4HbIu
- vide
Many thanks for this! (If I have forgotten you, please let me know and put you in the list of fame. :-))
Standard usage
- Not specified as required but for working correctly, the epel repository should be available for the 'fping'|'fping6' packages.
- Make sure you have sudo installed and configured with: !requiretty.
SE Linux
On systems with SE Linux active and enforcing, Zabbix agent will be limited unless given proper rights with an SE Linux module. This Puppet module will apply some default SE Linux rules for it. More can be provided if needed by using two class parameters, for example in Hiera YAML:
- 'type zabbix_agent_t'
- 'class process setrlimit'
- 'allow zabbix_agent_t self:process setrlimit'
- 'allow zabbix_script_t zabbix_agent_t:process sigchld'
When using exported resources
At the moment of writing, the puppet run will fail one or more times when manage_resources
is set to true when you install an fresh Zabbix server. It is an issue and I'm aware of it. Don't know yet how to solve this, but someone suggested to try puppet stages and for know I haven't made it work yet.
- Please be aware, that when
is enabled, it can increase an puppet run on the zabbix-server a lot when you have a lot of hosts. You also need to ensure that you've got ruby installed on your machine, and related packages to compile native extensions for gems (usually gcc and make). - First run of puppet on the zabbix-server can result in this error:
Error: Could not run Puppet configuration client: cannot load such file -- zabbixapi
Error: Could not run: can't convert Puppet::Util::Log into Integer
See:, comment: Jeff McCune | 20 Nov 20:42 2012
This specific issue is a chicken and egg problem where by a provider needs a gem, but the catalog run itself is the thing that provides the gem dependency. That is to say, even in Puppet 3.0 where we delay loading all of the providers until after pluginsync finishes, the catalog run hasn't yet installed the gem when the provider is loaded.
The reason I think this is basically a very specific incarnation of #6907 is because that ticket is pretty specific from a product functionality perspective, "You should not have to run puppet twice to use a provider."
After another puppet run, it will run succesfully.
- On a Red Hat family server, the 2nd run will sometimes go into error:
Could not evaluate: Connection refused - connect(2)
When running puppet again (for 3rd time) everything goes fine.
All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. Each new release typically also includes the latest modulesync defaults. These should not affect the functionality of the module.
v9.1.0 (2021-08-04)
Implemented enhancements:
- Add Zabbix 5.4 support #776 (root-expert)
- Add Vault parameters #770 (root-expert)
- Add StartPreprocessors option #768 (root-expert)
- Add Missing parameters #767 (root-expert)
Fixed bugs:
- Missing code to support server parameter 'StartEscalators' #340
- Ensure correct logfile/logfilesize values when defaulting logtype to system #772 (root-expert)
Closed issues:
- Zabbix SQL file location has changed #773
Merged pull requests:
- switch from camptocamp/systemd to voxpupuli/systemd #775 (bastelfreak)
- Optimize acceptance tests #771 (root-expert)
v9.0.0 (2021-05-07)
Breaking changes:
- Bump default Zabbix version on linux 3.4->5.0 #751 (bastelfreak)
- Drop Zabbix 2/3 support and deprecated parameters; only support zabbix 4.0, 5.0, 5.2 #750 (bastelfreak)
- database: use namespaced postgresql_password function; bump puppetlabs/postgresql lower dependency 4.4.2->6.4.0 #748 (kenyon)
- Drop Puppet 5 support #742 (bastelfreak)
- Drop CentOS 6 testing/support #733 (bastelfreak)
- Bump zabbixapi version to 4.2.0 #730 (fraenki)
- Drop Debian 8 / Add Debian 9 support #666 (bastelfreak)
Implemented enhancements:
- Zabbix 4.2 Support #621
- Support sslcertlocation & sslkeylocation for zabbix proxy #766 (shaunbugler)
- Allow to pass LDAP settings to zabbix class #764 (root-expert)
- Implement additional SAML settings #763 (root-expert)
- Enable Debian 10 acceptance tests #759 (root-expert)
- Allow non-default port database importing #758 (root-expert)
- Add Ubuntu 18.04 and 20.04 support #757 (root-expert)
- camptocamp/systemd: allow 3.x #753 (bastelfreak)
- Enable Puppet 7 support #747 (bastelfreak)
- Add support for Zabbix 5.x #743 (root-expert)
- Add ability to set $DB[DOUBLE_IEEE754] to true in zabbix.conf.php. #735 (Joshua-Snapp)
- Add option to specify type of interface in agent class #697 (zv0n)
- Add better postgres support #695 (anthonysomerset)
- Fix for zabbix::agent manage_firewall when multiple servers are specified #690 (xandm)
- Improve
type #679 (alexjfisher) - Add zabbix-agent support on windows #675 (bastelfreak)
- Add Debian 10 support #674 (bastelfreak)
- Add support for defining host's macros #671 (zv0n)
- Support for zabbix::agent on AIX #665 (bjschafer)
- Add support for HostInterface and HostInterfaceItem (4.4 Enhancement) #656 (mergwyn)
Fixed bugs:
- issue with firewall when two servers defined #199
- Ensure consistent use of logtype and logfile across agent/server/proxy #765 (shaunbugler)
- Fix README regarding zbx_group(s) deprecation and fix small bug so de… #761 (Fabian1976)
- Fix templates importing in Zabbix 5.2+ #756 (root-expert)
- acceptance tests: move package setup into helper #746 (bastelfreak)
- Cleanup and fix acceptance test helper #682 (bastelfreak)
- modulesync 2.12.0 / zabbix::web: Allow httpd to speak to the database #680 (bastelfreak)
- Fix zabbix::proxy idempotency #669 (alexjfisher)
- Fix type error on zabbix_proxy delete #663 (baurmatt)
Closed issues:
- Ubuntu focal proxy fails to install with mysql-8.0 (syntax error) #752
- Ensure future compatibility with systemd #740
- Need to set $DB[DOUBLE_IEEE754] to true in Zabbix >=5.0's zabbix.conf.php. #734
- the install action for zabbix 5.0 on centos/redhat 7 is wrong #731
- zbx_group vs zbx_groups in Readme #717
- Allow for configuration of 5.0's zabbix.conf.php SAML settings #693
- Add Support for Zabbix 5.0 #689
- zabbix::repo should be in setup stage #661
- Remove dependency on concat #658
- server_logtype should be optional #655
- Postgresql port parameter is ignored. #620
- API Error #544
- AIX Support #504
Merged pull requests:
- Module version bumps #749 (kenyon)
- postgres: Use UTF8 encoding and postgres 12 in acceptance tests #744 (bastelfreak)
- Fix typo in #727 (0none)
- Add parameter and default for Option SocketDir #723 (wdberry)
- Reduce configuration on agent service #711 (ekohl)
- [ci skip] document acceptance test helper method #710 (bastelfreak)
- modulesync 3.0.0 & puppet-lint fixes & rubocop fixes #699 (bastelfreak)
- Drop ruby \< 2.3 fakefs gem dependency #688 (ekohl)
- Change database collation to utf8_bin as it is stated in official docs #685 (KrzysztofHajdamowicz)
- Improve agent version handling in acceptance #676 (ekohl)
- Use older xenial docker image #673 (alexjfisher)
- Add acceptance testing for 4.2 and 4.4 #664 (baurmatt)
- Remove concat dependency from metadata.json #659 (alexjfisher)
v8.0.0 (2020-02-01)
Breaking changes:
Implemented enhancements:
- Allow to delete a zabbix_proxy #653 (baurmatt)
- Add logtype parameter for zabbix server (issue #394) #650 (dpavlotzky)
- Add repository for Raspbian Linux #648 (emetriqChris)
- Explicitly use 'ensure => file' for normal file resources #626 (baurmatt)
Closed issues:
- Test for CentOS 7 current failing due to bug in docker #645
- Service started before database is required #632
- Place agent config file if config file is a symlink #625
Merged pull requests:
- update repo links to https #652 (bastelfreak)
- Make the tablespace parameter available in the zabbix class. #651 (dpavlotzky)
- Add tablespace parameter #649 (dpavlotzky)
- Pin CentOS acceptance tests 7.6.1810 #646 (baurmatt)
- Remove duplicate file #641 (dhoppe)
- drop Ubuntu 14.04 support #639 (bastelfreak)
- add 'VirtuozzoLinux' support #635 (kBite)
v7.0.0 (2019-10-06)
Breaking changes:
- drop legacy puppetlabs/pe_gem dependency & cleanup code #628 (bastelfreak)
- Allow puppetlabs/apache 5.x, puppetlabs/concat 6.x, puppetlabs/firewall 2.x, puppetlabs/mysql 9.x, puppetlabs/stdlib 6.x; drop puppetlabs/ruby dependency #610 (dhoppe)
- modulesync 2.5.1 and drop Puppet 4 #589 (bastelfreak)
Implemented enhancements:
- Add historyindexcachesize to class zabbix #566
- Add support for specifying unsupported repo location. #612 (jadestorm)
- Put selboolean{'zabbix_can_network'} inside ensure_resources #599 (KrzysztofHajdamowicz)
- Implement self.prefetch for zabbix_host #591 (baurmatt)
- Added historyindexcachesize to class zabbix (part2) #586 (Ordnaxz)
- Add Remote Commands capabilities on Zabbix Proxy #575 (Safranil)
Fixed bugs:
- PrivateDevices=yes stops fping from working on Ubuntu 18.04 #609
- zabbix::userparameters::data doesn't notify correctly the zabbix-agent service #607
- puppetlabs/mysql: allow 10.x & zabbix-server: start service after initfile is created #624 (bastelfreak)
- Delete PrivateDevices attribute in systemd service template file #618 (jordips)
- Fix minor typo in agent_servicename param #616 (ljeromets)
Closed issues:
- Cannot declare Selboolean zabbix_can_network elsewhere #598
- check_template_in_host function missing parameter #594
- Fails to apply manifest for zabbix-agent 3.0 #590
- zabbix 3.0 vs php version #429
Merged pull requests:
- add
managed by puppet
header to unit files #615 (bastelfreak) - Allow puppet-selinux 3.x #613 (ekohl)
- Allow puppetlabs/apache 4.x, puppetlabs/apt 7.x, puppetlabs/postgresql 6.x #605 (dhoppe)
- Fix check_template_in_host function missing parameter #595 (fgallese)
- Implement self.prefetch for zabbix_hostgroup #593 (baurmatt)
- switch acceptance tests from trusty to xenial #585 (bastelfreak)
- Allow puppetlabs-mysql 7.x #584 (ekohl)
- update travis distro from trusty to xenial #582 (bastelfreak)
- Feature/userparameters ensure #581 (baurmatt)
- Move api configuration to a config file #579 (baurmatt)
v6.7.0 (2018-12-21)
Implemented enhancements:
- Add Zabbix 3.4 and 4.0 support #577 (gdubicki)
- Add ability to stop the agent #562 (mkilchhofer)
- Make repo_location usable #538 (baurmatt)
Fixed bugs:
- zabbix_template resource doesn't work with Zabbix 4.0 #556
- Properly require zabbixapi gem #572 (baurmatt)
- Add zabbix_package_state to the zabbix class to allow upgrade of se… #568 (r-catania)
Closed issues:
- Incompatibility with puppetlabs-apt (starting from 6.1.0 version ) #569
- Make zabbix::resources::agent::hostname configurable in zabbix::agent #563
- Drop management of Init script #541
- zabbix::userparameters has to require zabbix::agent #539
- zabbix::repo::repo_location isn't used #537
- Make types run in puppet 4 #182
Merged pull requests:
- Fix rspec tests for Gentoo #576 (baurmatt)
- Feature/acceptance test custom types #573 (baurmatt)
- Add data types for zabbix::userparameters #565 (baurmatt)
- Make hostname within exported resources configurable #564 (baurmatt)
- Add manage_init_script parameter #553 (baurmatt)
- Include zabbix::agent for better relationship ordering #540 (baurmatt)
v6.6.0 (2018-11-02)
Implemented enhancements:
- Add ldap reqcert #560 (bastelfreak)
- Improve performance of zabbix_host #559 (baurmatt)
Closed issues:
- Improve performance of zabbix_host #558
- Feature Request: ProxyOfflineBuffer setting for zabbix proxies missing #554
Merged pull requests:
- Fix tests by adding missing
fact #557 (alexjfisher) - Replace is_ip_address with Puppet 4 native comparision #555 (baurmatt)
- Fix proxy documentation #552 (frenchtoasters)
v6.5.0 (2018-10-17)
Implemented enhancements:
- Add Zabbix 4.0 compatibility and new
parameter #548 (Lord-Y) - Gentoo service fix #545 (lordievader)
- Add Gentoo support #535 (lordievader)
Closed issues:
- Module cannot install puppetlabs-mysql dependency #536
- Running the puppet-zabbix module on Gentoo gives an ExecutionFailure #531
- The topic is wrong! #517
Merged pull requests:
- fix wrong version schema in metadata.json #547 (bastelfreak)
- Add Puppet 6.x support #542 (bastelfreak)
- allow puppetlabs/stdlib 5.x, puppetlabs/apt 6.x and puppetlabs/concat 5.x #530 (bastelfreak)
v6.4.2 (2018-08-20)
Fixed bugs:
v6.4.1 (2018-08-15)
Merged pull requests:
- fix beaker support #524 (bastelfreak)
- install beaker-rspec 6 or newer #523 (bastelfreak)
- Add support for latest puppetlabs/{apt,apache/mysql} modules #519 (bastelfreak)
v6.4.0 (2018-08-05)
Implemented enhancements:
- Expose server name in main class, fixes #510 #511 (lordievader)
Fixed bugs:
- Exec[zabbix_server_create.sql] does not work because is might come after Package[zabbix-server-mysql #505
- Add missing enable => true for zabbix-java-gateway #516 (stefanandres)
Closed issues:
- Expose the $zabbix_server_name variable #510
Merged pull requests:
- get rid of useless topscope calling #509 (bastelfreak)
v6.3.2 (2018-06-21)
Fixed bugs:
- Zabbix Repository (zabbix-non-supported) defined with incorrect gpgkey #397
- Clarify dependency for database handling #508 (stefanandres)
- Fix missing enable attribut for zabbix::proxy service #507 (stefanandres)
- Support SSL parameters for web monitoring in all versions >= 2.4 #469 (anotherfigo)
- wait for network connectivity before Zabbix Server startup #454 (tequeter)
Closed issues:
- Puppet 5.3 Zabbix 2.4 json conflict #502
- repeated attempted key import in Ubuntu 18.04 #500
- SELinux blocks httpd from accessing database #477
Merged pull requests:
- drop EOL OSs; fix puppet version range #501 (bastelfreak)
- Rely on beaker-hostgenerator for docker nodesets #498 (ekohl)
v6.3.1 (2018-03-29)
Fixed bugs:
- listenip in agent not resolving to IP address from network interface name #493
- Fix listen_ip bug and relax interface regex #494 (bastelfreak)
v6.3.0 (2018-03-28)
Implemented enhancements:
- zabbix::agent without an IP shouldn't guess the IP #473
- add ability to manage ZBX_SERVER_NAME in web class #491 (bastelfreak)
Fixed bugs:
- Do not guess ListenIP, fixes #473, bump stdlib to 4.19.0 #487 (lordievader)
Merged pull requests:
- bump puppet version dependency to >= 4.10.0 \< 6.0.0 #490 (bastelfreak)
- allow camptocamp/systemd 2.X #486 (bastelfreak)
v6.2.0 (2018-02-13)
Implemented enhancements:
- add vmwaretimeout as possible server-param #482 (b014651)
- #476 Pass credentials for HTTP auth #479 (tux-o-matic)
Fixed bugs:
- Dependencies need update #453
- Fixed versioncmp compare and fixed typo in file zabbix-server-ips.te #480 (Fabian1976)
Closed issues:
Merged pull requests:
- Update module dependencies #485 (alexjfisher)
- Document needed sebooleans for httpd/zabbix-web #481 (Fabian1976)
v6.1.0 (2017-12-18)
Implemented enhancements:
Merged pull requests:
v6.0.0 (2017-11-11)
Breaking changes:
Implemented enhancements:
- Add support for templated SE Linux agent module #452 (tux-o-matic)
- Support multiple zabbix_alias #435 (fribergr)
Closed issues:
- Incorrect public key for repository #461
- Allow external script execution with SE Linux #441
- Using existing mysql database #237
- Setting Apache alias /zabbix #236
v5.0.1 (2017-10-21)
Fixed bugs:
- add selinux workaround for IPC in zabbix-server3.4 #459 (bastelfreak)
- Remove updateExisting from applications in zabbix template provider. #450 (ghost)
- Add missing proxy_mode variable to zabbix_proxy provider #447 (ghost)
Closed issues:
- Zabbix API errors when adding Templates in Zabbix 3.4 v2 #449
- Zabbix API errors when adding Templates in Zabbix 3.4 #446
- SenderFrequency parameter is deprecated in Zabbix 3.4 #437
Merged pull requests:
v5.0.0 (2017-09-17)
Breaking changes:
- BREAKING: Bump default zabbix version to 3.4 + test on it #443 (bastelfreak)
Implemented enhancements:
- Fix for Zabbix 3.4 #436 (Menollo)
- Update testmatrix to puppet5 + new gems #430 (bastelfreak)
Closed issues:
- override database_schema_path for AWS ami instance #428
- Syntax Error at line 82 in file init.pp #423
- pg_hba problems in zabbix::database #411
Merged pull requests:
- release 5.0.0 #444 (bastelfreak)
v4.1.3 (2017-06-26)
Fixed bugs:
- zabbix::agent LogType and User are not valid in 2.2 (EPEL) #417
- Add pg_hba rule to allow zabbix server #411 #412 (RaphaelNeumann)
Merged pull requests:
- bump postgresql to allow 5.X #420 (bastelfreak)
v4.1.2 (2017-06-23)
Implemented enhancements:
- Update metadata.json for correct stdlib/puppet version #415 (bastelfreak)
Fixed bugs:
- Fix proxy service not being enabled #413 (stefanandres)
v4.1.1 (2017-06-14)
Fixed bugs:
- unless $manage_database interprets False wrong; and useless require breaks standalone database setups #409 (bastelfreak)
v4.1.0 (2017-06-08)
Implemented enhancements:
- Allow zabbix server to run on a dedicated machine #406
- Zabbix server should not be started as root #405
- Allow zabbix upgrades via the module #403
- update rpm key urls to https #401 (bastelfreak)
Fixed bugs:
- Zabbix agent should be started forking on 2.X and simple on 3.X #404
- Fails to upgrade zabbix-agent if zabbix_version is changed #398
- define owner and group via parameters #400 (kBite)
- only add --foreground on 3.0 and newer #396 (bastelfreak)
Closed issues:
- Zabbix 3.0 on Centos 6.x #359
- Integer 18455137360 too big to convert to "int" at manifests/params.pp:333:24 #329
Merged pull requests:
- release 4.1.0 #402 (bastelfreak)
- Fix rpm key handling + changing default values depending on zabbix version #399 (bastelfreak)
- Provide acceptance tests for zabbix server #392 (bastelfreak)
v4.0.0 (2017-05-24)
Breaking changes:
- BREAKING: Add acceptance tests + multiple bugfixes #382 (bastelfreak)
Implemented enhancements:
- update to new archlinux package name #381 (bastelfreak)
- remove the include ::apt #369 (damoxc)
- replace all validate functions with datatypes #362 (bastelfreak)
Merged pull requests:
- Release 4.0.0 #390 (dhollinger)
- modulesync 0.21.3 #388 (bastelfreak)
- migrate userparameters tests to rspec-puppet-facts #387 (bastelfreak)
- migrate proxy tests to rspec-puppet-facts #386 (bastelfreak)
- add rspec-puppet-facts to repo.pp #385 (bastelfreak)
- Enhance tests for javagateway #384 (bastelfreak)
- Migrate tests to rspec-puppet-facts #383 (bastelfreak)
- Fix github license detection #379 (alexjfisher)
- puppet-lint: fix arrow_on_right_operand_line #375 (bastelfreak)
- update so everything is rendered correctly #370 (Cosaquee)
- bump rubocop-rspec 1.10.0->1.13.0 #367 (bastelfreak)
- bump puppetlabs_spec_helper 2.0.1->2.1.0 #366 (bastelfreak)
- Fixed syntax error in README template #361 (angeiv)
v3.0.0 (2017-02-12)
Implemented enhancements:
Closed issues:
- zabbix::web Could not find user zabbix #341
Merged pull requests:
- Change minimum required Puppet version to 4.6.1. Puppet 3 is no longer supported. #345 (bastelfreak)
v2.6.2 (2017-01-11)
Closed issues:
- Installing on 2 nodes does not setup the database #333
Merged pull requests:
- Fix failing test due to missing selinux fact #332 (juniorsysadmin)
- Bump min version_requirement for Puppet + deps #331 (juniorsysadmin)
v2.6.1 (2016-12-07)
Closed issues:
- Puppet Unknown variable: '::selinux_config_mode' #325
- Zabbix agent should not use ProtectSystem in systemd #320
- related to #305 run fails if system does not have systemd fact #310
Merged pull requests:
- Strict variables fix for selinux_config_mode #326 (alexjfisher)
- Add virtual bridge (virbr) to the list of network interfaces that are checked when setting listenip #324 (markfaine)
- Replaced agent systemd service with official #321 (BcTpe4HbIu)
- Improve zabbix_template type #318 (alexjfisher)
- Add unit test for zabbix_hostgroup type #316 (alexjfisher)
- Add missing badges [ci skip] #315 (alexjfisher)
- Default web_config_owner/group correctly #313 (alexjfisher)
v2.6.0 (2016-11-04)
Merged pull requests:
- In case we are not using Apache we should have an option to define ow… #307 (admont)
- use getvar to get systemd fact #305 (bastelfreak)
- make rspec more awesome #304 (bastelfreak)
- Enhance testing #302 (bastelfreak)
- Add new RPM GPG key for zabbix-3.2 and higher #300 (yevtushenko)
- Add MySQL tests for zabbix-3.2. #299 (yevtushenko)
v2.5.1 (2016-10-13)
Closed issues:
- zabbix_proxy.rb:7: syntax error #281
- The zabbix_host custom type doesn't appear to recognise the "group" parameter #280
- zabbix-agentd can't start on CentOS 6.x #264
Merged pull requests:
- Fixes for #264 #291 (shaunrampersad)
- Adapt to zabbix-3.2 and higher. #289 (yevtushenko)
- Fix for php db package name on Ubuntu 16.04 #284 (frozenfoxx)
- Fix typo error #279 (int32bit)
- don't fail if uncompressed file exists #278 (HT43-bqxFqB)
v2.5.0 (2016-09-19)
Implemented enhancements:
- modulesync 0.12.2 + Improvements #268 (bastelfreak)
Closed issues:
- zabbix-agent service not starting properly, missing variables in zabbix-agent.service file #266
- Release 999.999.999 version of wdijkerman for deprecation #243
Merged pull requests:
- Release 2.5.0 #277 (bastelfreak)
- Add Fedora 24 support #275 (bastelfreak)
v2.4.0 (2016-08-18)
Closed issues:
- Custom config file name/path #240
- 'apt-get update' complains about a weak digest (SHA1) #239
- Order problems with apt update #233
- Unpin concat version, support 2.x #231
- Update metadata.json and fixtures to support concat #230
Merged pull requests:
- Create tests for commit efad625cd87ce37fe91e708920da6a85b1f28e4b #263 (Heidistein)
- Modulesync 0.12.1 & Release 2.4.0 #261 (bastelfreak)
- Fix: Pin Rubocop version to 2.0.0+ #255 (jk2l)
- Respect user provided Zabbix agent package name in userparameters #254 (wiene)
- Fix: select systemd for ubuntu correctly #252 (jk2l)
- Add manage_service option. #251 (Heidistein)
- Fix: manage database parameter not pass to zabbix::server #249 (jk2l)
- Fix: add historyindexcachesize option to server and proxy code #248 (shoikan)
- Fix for issue #240 #246 (fgallese)
- Set selboolean for zabbix proxy #235 (sgnl05)
- Added package tagging for apt update workflow. #234 (ITler)
- Fix Concat pinning #232 (bastelfreak)
- Allows setting ListenIP as "lo" loopback interface. #229 (felipe1982)
- Manage default_vhost in zabbix main class. #226 (furhouse)
v2.3.2 (2016-05-21)
Merged pull requests:
- Modulesync + Release 2.3.2 #227 (bastelfreak)
v2.3.1 (2016-05-20)
Closed issues:
- What is selinux_config_mode? #222
- 404 not found #219
- undefined local variable or method `int_name' #216
Merged pull requests:
- Modulesync + Release #225 (bastelfreak)
- Introduce rspec-puppet-facts for some tests #224 (bastelfreak)
- Make module run with ubuntu. #223 (ITler)
- add CONTRIBUTORS from git log #220 (bastelfreak)
- Introduce rspec-puppet-facts for some tests #218 (bastelfreak)
- Fix216 #217 (bastelfreak)
v2.3.0 (2016-05-08)
Closed issues:
- Web interface config file readable by all (contains unencrypted database password) #200
- Update zabbixapi gem to 2.4.7 form Zabbix 3.0 #196
- Add support for zabbix sender #194
- SELinux - CentOs 7 #190
- AMZ Linux Support #187
- Zabbix as default vhost #180
Merged pull requests:
- fix typo in zabbix_host provider #211 (damoxc)
- Missing zabbix_url in create #209 (cbergmann)
- userparameters not working. #208 (cbergmann)
- add Arch Linux to metadata.json #207 (bastelfreak)
- Enhance spec testing #206 (bastelfreak)
- Update rubocop #204 (bastelfreak)
- Update rspec #203 (bastelfreak)
- Add archlinux support #201 (bastelfreak)
- there is no zabbix proxy package in zbx-3.0 #198 (BcTpe4HbIu)
- Zabbix as default vhost #180 #197 (szemlyanoy)
- Add Zabbix sender support #195 (vide)
- fix wrong comment for configfrequency #192 (BcTpe4HbIu)
- Feature selinux #191 (bastelfreak)
- Fix for proxy sqlite support #189 (BcTpe4HbIu)
- updated to include Amazon Linux #188 (ericsysmin)
2.2.0 (2016-03-06)
Implemented enhancements:
- Upgrading to 3.0 #166
Fixed bugs:
- Repo is always added #148
Closed issues:
- HistoryTextCacheSize is not supported in Zabbix 3.0 #185
- Custom API query? #179
- database is being managed even if manage_database is false #170
- Invalid parameter key_source on Apt::Source[zabbix] at /etc/puppet/environments/myenv/modules/zabbix/manifests/repo.pp:144 on node XXXXX #101
- Zabbix 3.0 Proxy Postgres DB Schema Using Incorrect File #186
- write more rspec tests to test zabbix 3.0 #176
Merged pull requests:
- Make types runnable in puppet 4 #181 (ITler)
- Added Zabbix Proxy, Agent, Server, 3.0 support and Pacemaker exclusions #174 (ericsysmin)
- removed notify, forgot to take it out when I was troubleshooting #173 (ericsysmin)
- Patch 6 #171 (ericsysmin)
- TLS Support for Zabbix 3.0 #169 (ericsysmin)
- Adjust server config and databases sqls for 3.0 #167 (cloudowski)
2.1.1 (2016-02-09)
Merged pull requests:
2.1.0 (2016-02-02)
Fixed bugs:
- The puppetgem fact is incorrect for Puppet 4 AIO installation #157
Closed issues:
Merged pull requests:
- Add Puppet Forge Version and Downloads badges #163 (rnelson0)
- Travis CI setup: ensure all rspec tests pass #162 (rnelson0)
- Update proxy.pp, fix Error: ...install zabbix-proxy- .. #159 (subkowlex)
- Puppetgem #158 (rnelson0)
- Removed a debug entry #156 (hkumarmk)
2.0.0 (2016-01-31)
Implemented enhancements:
- No LDAP Support #149
Fixed bugs:
Closed issues:
- Repo url in RHEL or Oracle Linux #142
- Could not evaluate: undefined method `+' for nil:NilClass #134
- userparameter in RedHat Satellite 6.x #125
- Userparameter with Foreman #117
- Invalid parameter group_create #100
Merged pull requests:
- Type to manage zabbix application #155 (hkumarmk)
- Fixed previous error in merge #152 (rtizzy)
- Added support for adding LDAP certificate location to Zabbix Web. Upd… #150 (rtizzy)
- Allow agent_serveractive value to be blank #147 (ericsysmin)
- allow serveractive to be optional #146 (ericsysmin)
- fixed typo for comment mysql #145 (ghost)
- fixed SSL server template options for 2.2 #141 (IceBear2k)
- fix syntax error #139 (mkrakowitzer)
- Allow agent to listen on * #138 (ekohl)
- enable apache_php_max_input_vars #137 (bastelfreak)
- Fix typo in zabbix-userparameters reference #136 (sgnl05)
- Listen on all IPs #133 (steinbrueckri)
- tap0 or tun0 (OpenVPN interfaces) interface as listenip #132 (steinbrueckri)
- Added zabbix_template_host type #154 (hkumarmk)
1.7.0 (2015-11-07)
Closed issues:
- Support for PSBM #123
- Install Zabbix SERVER and PROXY on same machine #119
- zabbix::agent doesn't pass $zabbix_version to zabbix::repo #118
- Syntax error at '{'; expected '}' at /etc/puppet/modules/zabbix/manifests/server.pp:340 on node zabbix #115
- zabbix::template failing - undefined method `configurations' #113
- API not working #111
Merged pull requests:
- Generalise the zabbix_url #129 (eliranbz)
- Added supporting new Zabbix params #128 (akostetsky)
- refactoring of repo.pp #126 (bastelfreak)
- Fping wrong path in debian #124 (Oyabi)
- add support for CloudLinux #122 (bastelfreak)
- Update template.pp #121 (claflico)
- misspelled parameter path #116 (karolisc)
1.6.0 (2015-08-21)
Fixed bugs:
Closed issues:
- zabbix::repo doest not inherit zabbix::params #93
- Agent Config Template #112
- Feature Request: add charset/collate option during a mysql db resource creation #107
Merged pull requests:
- Pass manage_repo and zabbix_repo to repo.pp and prevent double include #110 (mmerfort)
- Add "eno*" to interface name matching #104 (sgnl05)
- use the new puppetlabs-apt version 2.x module #103 (hmn)
- Fix name startvmwarecollector -> startvmwarecollectors #102 (BcTpe4HbIu)
- Custom apache IP and port #99 (mschuett)
- Pass zabbix_version and manage_repo to zabbix::repo #88 (mmerfort)
1.5.0 (2015-06-08)
Implemented enhancements:
Fixed bugs:
- Zabbix-proxy install database population #62
Closed issues:
- new web instance #92
Merged pull requests:
- merge of hiera hashes from entire hierarchy #98 (szemlyanoy)
- Added support to Amazon Linux with epel 6. #96 (Wprosdocimo)
- import templates and create hostgroup if missing #95 (1n)
- Added Support For Zapache monitoring script #94 (rtizzy)
1.4.0 (2015-05-18)
Fixed bugs:
Closed issues:
- manage_firewall is set to 'false' by default #86
- Cannot install on Jessie #85
- setting Hostname and HostnameItem causes a warning on agentd start #80
- Debian repo key cannot be validated by apt module #78
Merged pull requests:
- Added zabbix_hostgroup #87 (hkumarmk)
- Fixes #80 setting Hostname and HostnameItem causes a warning on agentd s... #82 (f0)
- Fix illegal comma separated argument list #81 (IceBear2k)
- Allow to not purge include dir. #79 (altvnk)
- Correct typo in 'manage_resources' documentation. #77 (rnelson0)
1.3.0 (2015-04-08)
Fixed bugs:
- Multi-node Setup: Web class does not properly configure database port #69
- Apt-key error in Ubuntu 14.04 #61
Closed issues:
- You can not configure hostname in zabbix::proxy #59
- Multi-node setup: manage_resources invalid on Class[Zabbix::Server] #70
Merged pull requests:
- better default parameter for userparameter #73 (sbaryakov)
- Fixed small error regarding manage_resources and it's usage with classes #71 (rtizzy)
- bugfix for vhosts in apache 2.4 #67 (ju5t)
- Update apt key to full 40characters #66 (exptom)
- rename ListenIp => ListenIP #65 (sbaryakov)
- Fix manage_repo parameter on the zabbix class #63 (roidelapluie)
- minor typo #60 (andresvia)
- Fix with previous fix with listenip #58 (ghost)
1.2.0 (2015-02-26)
Implemented enhancements:
- allow setting location of psql #44
Fixed bugs:
- failure if zabbix hostgroup does not exist #41
- Bad syntax in manifests/proxy.pp #50
- listenip bug #49
Closed issues:
- When using SSL, the root is not rewritten to SSL #47
Merged pull requests:
- Fixed bug with listenip & add lxc interface #46 (ghost)
- notify zabbix-agent service when userparameters change #57 (rmorlang)
- Fix in params.pp with default parameter of zabbix proxy for ubuntu #56 (fredprod)
- Jvd w fix defined #53 (JvdW)
- Fix agent listenip #52 (JvdW)
- line 350 modify casesize to cachesize #50 #51 (fredprod)
- Correctly rewrite the root when using SSL, fixes #47 #48 (slyoldfox)
1.1.0 (2015-01-24)
Closed issues:
Merged pull requests:
- This resolves dj-wasabi/puppet-zabbix#37. #40 (genebean)
- Fix name of agent config file in params.pp #39 (mmerfort)
- setting manage_repo to false breaks server install #38 (genebean)
1.0.1 (2015-01-12)
Fixed bugs:
- Module fails with future parser enabled #29
Merged pull requests:
- allow custom owner and group for zabbix server config, #36 (f0)
- ZABBIX proxy and ZABBIX server service names are now customizable / Allow changing the path to the database schema files #35 (f0)
- remove hardcoded config file paths for server, proxy and agent #34 (f0)
- Update apache_ssl_cipher list #32 (karolisc)
1.0.0 (2015-01-02)
Implemented enhancements:
- Split Zabbix Server Class into Components #11
Fixed bugs:
- zabbixapi gem fails to install (ubuntu 14.04) #16
Closed issues:
Merged pull requests:
- Add support for debian sid (just use wheezy package) #30 (lucas42)
- Add support for low level discovery(LLD) scripts #27 (karolisc)
- Remove execute bit from .conf files #26 (karolisc)
- Wrong name in zabbix::userparameters resource example. #25 (karolisc)
0.6.1 (2014-12-09)
Closed issues:
Merged pull requests:
- Add repository for debian running on a raspberry pi #23 (lucas42)
- Install packages needed for the zabbixapi gem to be installed on Debain #21 (lucas42)
0.6.0 (2014-12-06)
Closed issues:
- Incorrectly initiated mysql/postgresql server class #14
- Wrong mpm, missing php module on ubuntu 14.04 #13
Merged pull requests:
- Don't assume db_host will be localhost in postgresql.pp #20 (lucas42)
- Adding support for sqlite #15 (actionjack)
0.5.1 (2014-10-30)
Closed issues:
Merged pull requests:
0.5.0 (2014-10-11)
Closed issues:
0.4.1 (2014-09-11)
Closed issues:
- Support sqLite db for proxies #6
0.4.0 (2014-08-22)
0.3.1 (2014-08-01)
0.3.0 (2014-07-19)
Closed issues:
- how use zabbix::userparams ? #2
Merged pull requests:
- Added XenServer 6.2 support #5 (sq4ind)
- added support for Scientific Linux #4 (gattebury)
- fixes for usage of params and dependecy cycles #3 (maciejstromich)
0.1.0 (2014-04-17)
0.0.3 (2014-03-31)
0.0.2 (2014-03-28)
0.0.1 (2014-03-18)
* This Changelog was automatically generated by github_changelog_generator
- puppetlabs/postgresql (>= 6.4.0 < 8.0.0)
- puppetlabs/stdlib (>= 4.25.0 < 8.0.0)
- puppetlabs/mysql (>= 3.5.0 < 12.0.0)
- puppetlabs/apache (>= 1.6.0 < 7.0.0)
- puppetlabs/firewall (>= 1.7.0 < 4.0.0)
- puppetlabs/apt (>= 2.1.0 < 9.0.0)
- puppet/systemd (>= 0.4.0 < 4.0.0)
- puppet/selinux (>= 1.1.0 < 4.0.0)
Copyright (C) 2015 Werner Dijkerman Apache License Version 2.0, January 2004 TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR USE, REPRODUCTION, AND DISTRIBUTION 1. Definitions. "License" shall mean the terms and conditions for use, reproduction, and distribution as defined by Sections 1 through 9 of this document. "Licensor" shall mean the copyright owner or entity authorized by the copyright owner that is granting the License. "Legal Entity" shall mean the union of the acting entity and all other entities that control, are controlled by, or are under common control with that entity. For the purposes of this definition, "control" means (i) the power, direct or indirect, to cause the direction or management of such entity, whether by contract or otherwise, or (ii) ownership of fifty percent (50%) or more of the outstanding shares, or (iii) beneficial ownership of such entity. "You" (or "Your") shall mean an individual or Legal Entity exercising permissions granted by this License. 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